“Daddy?” Daniel asked.

“What’s up, bud?”

“When can we go home?”

I raised my eyes to Kevin as he cleared his throat.

“As soon as possible, buddy,” Kevin said.

“Really?” I asked. “I thought we’d have to wait until things were—you know.”

“Wrapped up?” he asked. “They are. I got a call from the Chief this morning.”

“Wait, seriously?” I asked. “What happened?”

“They finally got the guy in custody to talk. He confirmed that he was working with Gianni. They’ve alerted the Italian police and are on the lookout for him, and in the meantime, he’s been put on the No-Fly List. The FBI is looking for him as well as MI-6. He won’t stay hidden for long, and once he’s found he’ll be going to jail for a very long time.”

“So, they’ve cleared us all to leave?” I asked.

“They have. We can leave whenever we want,” he said.

“I wanna go home tomorrow,” Daniel said.

“Me too, Daddy. I don’t wanna be here anymore,” Sydney said.

“That is perfectly understandable. So, if you guys want to go home tomorrow, we’ll go home. Brooke?”

“What?” I asked.

“How does leaving tomorrow sound?”

“I mean, I’ll have to search flights out, but yeah. If you guys are leaving, then I’m leaving.”

“You aren’t coming with us?” Sydney asked.

I looked down at her widening eyes as Kevin took her hand.

“Of course she is, sweetheart. Miss Brooke’s gonna ride home with us on our jet.”

“Your jet?” I asked.

“Yeah. Daddy has a jet, and it’s awesome,” Daniel said with a smile.

“We can drop you wherever you live now before we head home,” Kevin said.

“I’m still in Los Angeles,” I said.

“Us too,” he responded.

I looked up into his eyes as a smile crossed my cheeks.

“Then—it looks like I’m flying home with you guys,” I said.

“Yeah!” Daniel exclaimed.

“Miss Brooke’s coming home with us!” Sydney said.

I went to open my mouth to gently correct her, but Kevin shot me a look. The kids were smiling for the first time in days, so if this was a victory they