“And exactly your type,” she said. “I don’t know how you kept from jumping him then and there. That’s some serious self-restraint.”

“I can’t believe he’s here,” I said.

“Want me to punch him in the dick?”

“First you wanted me to talk about how hot he apparently still is, and now you want to punch him in the dick for me?”

“All I’m saying is if you decide not to fuck him someone here had better.”

“Well, you’re not fucking him.”

“Ah, so we’re possessive. Still in love with the older man who broke your heart?” she asked.

“I was never in love with him.”

“Keep on telling yourself that. But we all knew you were. What happened with you two, anyway?” she asked. “You know, besides never making you a priority and always forgetting about your dates?”

/> “That isn’t enough?” I asked.

“Of course it is.”

“He was too focused on that business of his. I spent more time in restaurants waiting for him to show up than anything else. I waited for phone calls that never came and dressed up for dates he never picked me up for. That man’s head was in the clouds and he had eyes for nothing but the company he was building. He didn’t give a shit about me, unless he wanted to get laid,” I said.

“Yep. Punching him in the dick, it is!” Morgan said.

“Why did I have to run into him here?”

“Look, we’re here to get your mind off one scumbag ex, so we’ll just make it two. We’ll look hot every day in case we pass by Mr. Old Well-endowed Guy again, and we can make him drool and regret not treating you better.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better,” I said. “I don’t know that I want to see him again.”

“Yet you swam over to him the second you recognized him,” she said.

“Well he looked right at me, I couldn’t very well be rude. He has kids now so that means he has a baby mother. I think it’s best I keep my distance,” I rationalized.

“Uh huh. Anyway, my plan is awesome so we’re going with it. So we gotta make sure we’re constantly on our A-game. Which means hiking up those tits of yours every chance we get.”

Morgan grabbed my tits and shoved them up, making me laugh.

“Get your hands off me,” I said, giggling.

“If we do our job right, you’ll be saying that to what’s-his-face, too,” Morgan said.

“You’re relentless.”

“And you need to get your mind off the last dickhead you dated. Man you really know how to pick ‘em’.”

I rolled my eyes at her, but I couldn’t necessarily disagree. “Yeah, I guess my bullshit detector needs some repairs,” I said.

“At least we can agree on that. I still don’t know what you saw in that last guy.”

“I don’t know either, honestly. I’m just glad I’m out of it.”

“Come on. I’m starving and the shops are still open,” she said. “Food and shopping always does me a world of good.”

The two of us took a small cab to the other side of the island. We ended up in a quaint little hut that sold the most amazing island food I’d ever tasted. They had whole fish roasted in leaves and all sorts of butters and spices, with fresh-made breads, and crispy vegetables. I ate until I couldn't move before Morgan and I decided to walk around and do some shopping.

Out of the blue, I heard a familiar voice that shot electricity down my spine.