“How the hell is this not my fault?” I asked.

“You ran out into the ocean to save Daniel from drifting out too far. How were you supposed to know someone was hiding at the house waiting for Sydney?” she asked.

“I knew. I knew someone was following us that day at the museums. I knew that same man was on the beach that day.”

“And you told Kevin about it.”

“This is not his fault.”

“I’m not saying it is. I’m simply pointing out that it’s not yours,” she said.

“Why did I agree to do this? If I hadn’t taken this job, Kevin couldn’t have worked. He would have been with his kids and gone home after the first week, and none of this would have happened.”

“You’re not seriously suggesting that you taking the job led to Sydney being kidnapped, are you?”

“I’m saying it didn’t fucking help things, Morgan.”

Sighing, I slumped against my bed. I didn’t even have the energy to climb into it. Telling the story to Morgan made it seem even more impossible than it was. And yet, it was still happening. Sydney was still gone, the police still didn’t have any leads, and Kevin was slowly going crazy. The ransom note had not been followed by any other communication so far.

“I can hear you blaming yourself,” Morgan said.

“I should have paid closer attention to Daniel,” I said, breathlessly.

“Do you want my honest opinion?”


“It sounds like whoever these people were, they’ve been watching you for a while. And if this was their plan or whatever, then there was nothing you could have done to stop it.”

“I could have gone with her into the house, and fought off whoever was in there,” I said.

“And let Daniel drift out to sea?”

“He had floaties on.”

“Are you hearing how idiotic you sound?”

“What else am I supposed to think? What else am I supposed to tell myself? I’ve got a man who’s incapacitated, a young boy who keeps asking when his sister is coming home, and a house that’s falling apart. And it’s not even my house!”

“Then come home, Brooke.”

“How the hell can you even suggest that?” I asked.

“Because it’s better than blaming yourself for a kidnapping you had nothing to do with. Someone planned it, funded it, and carried it out. They and they alone are to blame.”

A soft knock came at the door before it was pushed open. Daniel was standing there with tears running down his face. I opened my arm to him and he came running, jumping into my lap. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and I began to shush him, trying to quell the shaking body of the little boy in my arms.

“I have to go. Daniel needs me.”

“Do you want me to fly back?” Morgan asked. “Because I will.”

“No,” I said. “I’ll be okay.”

“Okay. But if you change your mind, I’m on the first flight out.”

“I know. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”