But I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t even collect my thoughts as he started walking closer. I could tell he was just as taken aback. Just as surprised to see me.

And his eyes.

The way they traveled my body.

“Brooke?” he asked. “Is that you?”

“Oh. Holy. Shit,” Morgan said.

I watched him swim over as my eyes drifted behind him. To the two kids coming down a slide together off the side of the vacation home. Perched on its own private beach and facing the beautiful horizon the sun set underneath every night. They were having a grand time. Falling into the water and splashing around.

But his voice ripped me from my trance.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“On vacation,” I said as my eyes raked up his body. “You?”

“Spring break with my kids.”

“You have kids,” I said.

“I do. Twins.”

“How old are they?”

“Four,” he said.

“They’re beautiful. Must get it from their mother.”


I furrowed my brow as my eyes took the children in for a second time. Kevin had kids? It was almost unfathomable. He hadn’t struck me as the kind of man to want kids. Or even tolerate kids. But there they were, giggling and laughing and splashing around on the shoreline.

The man who had broken my heart all those years ago had kids.

“I hate to cut this short,” Kevin said, “but looking at those kids, I better get them out of the sun. They played hard yesterday and are still recuperating from burns they received then.”

“Kids will be kids,” I said.

“Don’t I know it,” he said with a grin.

Oh. That beautiful grin.

I felt my knees growing weak.

“Well, you go tend to those beautiful children of yours. It was…”

It was what?

“It was wonderful seeing you again, Kevin.”

“You too, Brooke. Really.”

Our eyes connected one last time before he turned his back and walked towards the shoreline. His rippling muscles undulated with every move he made as his tanned skin stretched over his strength. I let out the breath I was holding before I looked around for Morgan. For someone who had just run into my ex with me, she had been eerily quiet.

But then I saw her back on the balcony of our hut.

With some guy.