“What’s going on? Can you talk about it?”

“Look, Daddy! I drew the ocean!” Daniel said.

I looked up and saw the globs of blue paint sliding down to the kitchen floor. It was interspersed with greens and yellows, and something that I figured was a sun was dripping down the paper. I smiled at my son as the paint continued to fall on the floor, and Brooke was right there to clean up the mess.

She was a godsend, and worth every penny I was paying her.

“That’s awesome. And you know what? When it dries, we’re gonna frame it and put it on the wall,” I said.

“What about mine, Daddy? Can you do mine?” Sydney asked.

“Of course I can, princess. We’ll frame both of them.”

The kids ran off to happily paint some more and I felt bad for leaving them there while I had to deal with this Gianni bullshit. I was disappointed that the deal was falling through, mostly, I found out, because it meant that I had given up precious time with my kids for no damn good reason.

I vowed to myself that after I put the issue to bed with Gianni at lunch the next day, nothing would tear me away from my kids for the rest of the trip.



Kevin was eerily silent all through breakfast before he headed out for his meeting, and the day before hadn’t been any easier. I spent most of the day consoling an upset Sydney and fielding questions from Daniel as to why their Daddy was working when he said he wouldn’t. And my heart broke for them. His children were being affected by his inability to separate his personal life from his work. I could tell it was taking its toll on Kevin as well.

But part of me was worried that it could’ve been something else. His distan

ce toward me personally might have had something to do with me waking up in his bed that morning. He had said that he was okay with it, but Kevin never did know how to be anything else but cordial. Even when he was upset, his tone was even and his eyes were kind, and it made him hard to read.

Was he being distant because he thought I was getting too close again?

I kept replaying the events of that night in my head. Technically, I was the one that made the move on him that night. I had pulled off his clothes and taken his cock into my mouth while a storm had raged both inside and outside of the house. Just thinking about it made my arms prickle with delight.

But I hadn’t meant to fall asleep in his bed. I had every intention of slipping away from him and going back to my room. I knew that he wouldn’t take time away from his kids on my account, but I still didn’t like the distance that seemed to be looming between us.

Maybe I was reading it all wrong though. Or maybe it was two separate situations. Either way, I needed to be more careful with him if I didn’t want my heart broken all over again.

“Hey, kids! What do you say we go shopping today?” I asked.

“Shopping for what?” Daniel asked.

“Anything. You guys want some new clothes? Or maybe a new toy to play with in the water?” I asked.

“Could I get a new dress?” Sydney asked.

“Of course, you can. Daniel?”

“Could we eat lunch out?” he asked.

“Of course, we can. We’ll find somewhere on the ocean so we can watch the waves while we eat. And, we can even get dessert. How does that sound?”

“Sounds awesome,” he said, with a smile.

“Come on. Let’s get you guys ready.”

I helped the kids dress before I pulled a quick sundress over my body. I grabbed my purse, making sure I had Kevin’s credit card. I needed some more shampoo and conditioner anyway, and I noticed the milk was running low in the house. I made a note of anything else we needed to pick up while we were out and called a cab.

“Where do you guys wanna start?” I asked.

“Toys?” Daniel asked.