“Perfect. I love their selection of wine. We’ll get ourselves a nice bottle. My treat.”

I furrowed my brow at his statement. It was like he was completely oblivious to his monetary situation.

But how was that possible? As the head of a large institution, he should know everything that was going on.

“How does noon sound?” I asked.

“I’ll see you then, Kevin. Ciao.”

“Ciao, my friend.”

After I sent Owen a text message telling him about my meeting with Gianni the following day, I tossed my phone onto the table. What the hell was going on? Gianni’s company was going under, but he was going to buy us a bottle of wine? He actually used the word celebratory, as if he knew he was going to get this damn contract. What the hell kind of twilight zone had I stepped into?

I had no reason to mistrust Owen’s calculations, but I knew I was missing something.


I looked up and saw Sydney standing in the doorway with her stuffed unicorn in her arms.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Movie?” she asked.

“Oh yes. I’m coming right now. And I’m bringing chocolate,” I said with a grin.

I got up and opened a cabinet, pulling out a massive chocolate bar I’d seen the other day.

“We can all split it,” I said. “How does that sound?”

“Kit Kat! My favorite,” she said. “I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, princess.”

I settled down with everyone on the mounds of blankets and pillows on the floor. Beauty and the Beast began to play on the television, but I couldn't get past the opening number before I was in my own head again. I was worried about Gianni. It was clear someone in his company was pulling the wool over his eyes, and having to deny him this contract would expose that. But Gianni was also the one that sent over the records.

Unless he had someone in his accounting department send them over for him.

I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I needed to get my hands on those financial records. I got up in the middle of the movie and went back into the kitchen, then sent Owen a text message. I wanted those files he was sent emailed to me immediately, and then I wanted him to check and see who had sent him those files.

I went and sat back with the kids, but I was only half present. My eyes were watching the movie, but my brain wasn’t processing it. I was still reeling from the phone conversation, panicking about Gianni and his company, and disappointed at losing the contract.

It would’ve put my company in a wonderful position, and it was gone in the blink of an eye.

After the movie, the kids wanted to paint, so Brooke pulled out the large craft box I didn’t even know we had. The kids were painting at the table as I leaned against the doorway, my nose stuck in my phone.

It wasn’t until Brooke brushed against me that I was pulled back into the present.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah. Everything’s fine,” I said.

“I thought you didn’t have to work.”

“An emergency came up.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Wanna go do this meeting for me tomorrow?”