“Yesterday, when the kids and I were at the museums, there was a man there. He kept— popping up everywhere we were. He even watched us get a cab to come home. I think that’s the guy.”

“Do you think he was following you?” I asked, something spiking in my gut.

“I don’t know. He sort of gives me the creeps.”

And he did. I could see the goosebumps crawling all over Brooke’s skin.

“I’m sure you’re just being protective of the kids. It’s a small island and with all the rain yesterday, there were probably a lot of people at the museums. It makes sense that you’d run into the same person twice. There isn’t much else to do when it rains all day. Did he say anything to you?” I asked.

She folded her arms over her chest and shook her head. “No.”

“Then I’m sure it was just a coincidence,” I assured her. But I could tell she still wasn’t convinced.

Her body was more relaxed, but her eyes were still filled with worry.

“Okay,” she said. “Then I won’t stress about it.”

“Good. Because another storm’s coming in and we need to get the kids in the house.”

We dragged the kids into the house, kicking and whining, but when the storm started to rage again, they seemed to get the picture. I had given my chef the evening off, so I was the one cooking for the night. Brooke got the kids cleaned up and ready for dinner, then we all sat down and enjoyed the steaks and mashed potatoes I’d been able to whip up.

It wasn’t a five-star chef meal, but it was edible.

The kids were practically nodding off at the table. Brooke kept eyeing me with amusement in her stare and I shook my head. She was wearing my children out, which was funny, because I was convinced it would be the other way around. She finished her steak and started cleaning up while I got the kids tucked into bed, then returned to the kitchen where a glass of wine was waiting for me.

“This mine?”

“Mhm,” Brooke said. “If I remember correctly, you’re a fan of storms.”

“I am indeed.”

“Figured we could sit and enjoy this one,” she said.

She was standing at the doors that led onto the porch. I went and stood behind her, watching the fury of the ocean kick up against the shore. The sky was black with clouds that hung low, pregnant with the water it was going to drop on us all night. I sipped my glass of wine, feeling the heat radiating from Brooke’s skin.

She still smelled like the ocean, and I felt my mouth beginning to water.

“Are the kids scared of storms?” Brooke asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“I just wondered if I should brace for two little people clambering into my bed in a couple of hours.”

“Nope. If anything, Sydney will climb into Daniel’s bed and sleep there.”

“What a treasure those two are,” she said.

“They’re my guiding light.”

She looked up at me with those round doe eyes and I felt myself cave. I set my wine glass down behind me and wrapped my arm around her body. She gasped, her cheeks tinting once again as my lips pulsed air against her face.

“You’re a hard woman to resist, Brooke Shaw.”

“Then don’t,” she said, breathlessly.

Her wine glass fell to the floor, spilling its contents as I captured her lips. Her hands flew to my hair as I backed her into the door, pressing her against the cool glass. The storm raged outside, providing a perfect backdrop for our passion, with distant rolls of thunder for sound effects. The flashing lightning illuminated her curves, drenching them in sparks as my fingertips danced along her sides.

Our tongues battled. Her head tipped off to the side as her leg came up and hooked around my body. I pressed harder and ground my cock against her. I felt the veins in my groin pulsing as my hand slid up her bare thigh. She was wearing nothing but a shirt and a flimsy pair of shorts, giving my fingers easy access. Her hands pulled at my shirt and I raised my hands above my head. Lightning pierced the sky and it cast a light on the lust building behind her eyes. I watched her stare at my bare chest as her engorged tits pressed against the fabric of her shirt. She ran her fingers down the swell of my muscles, rippling them over my abs before her fingertips settled on the hem of my swim trunks.