“What the hell?” I asked.

“Yes. Custody or money, that’s what he’s seeking.”

“So he doesn’t want Lanie. He wants to drain me of money,” I said.

“Right now, he has a compelling argument. He’s the girl’s biological father. The courts like to keep parents and children together whenever they can.”

“Biology doesn’t mean shit here Luther. That deadbeat asshole never gave a shit about Lanie before now. He knows I have money, that’s what this is all about.”

“I know that and you know that, but he’s laying it on pretty thick right now. His idiot lawyer actually thinks he gives a damn.”

Clenching my phone, I turned back toward Amanda and Lanie. The giggles falling from her lips were no match for the brightness that had arisen in Amanda’s eyes. She was playing with the little girl and laughing right along with her, and I could see a flush rising in her cheeks. It painted her skin in a healthy hue that drew me right in. That begged for my fingertips to run lightly across the color. I hadn’t been this attracted to a woman in a long time, and I had shrugged off the idea of women altogether once Lanie had come to live with me.

“You could give him the money he’s asking for,” Luther said.

“How much is he asking?”

“Four million dollars.”

“Four million dollars. Is he nuts?”

“He’s a real piece of work is what he is.”

“And if I refuse to give him the money, he’s still going to try to take Lanie from me?” I asked, an ache in my gut at the thought of it.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I turned my back to the girls.

“Looks like he’s willing to do just about anything to get what he wants,” Luther said.

“Fuck,” I said, groaning.

“Think on it and give me a call. Say, tomorrow?”

“You want me to have an answer for you by tomorrow?” I asked.

“Any longer of a timeframe and you look like you’re floundering. Quick answers come from sure fathers. I’m not just working your defense, I’m also painting your image to the jury. Remember that.”

“I’ll think about it,” I said.

I hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket. I made my way back to the kitchen table, my mind elsewhere as Amanda’s eyes followed me. I could smell her body spray as I sat down at the table, the smell pulling my eyes up to hers as she grinned at me. My eyes hooked onto her lips before I sighed.

It didn’t matter how attracted I was to her, I had to control my urges. She was still a stranger, and I knew there was no way in hell she was sticking around. Childhood home or not, the inherited property that had been dropped into her lap was in rough fucking shape. It wasn’t suitable for anyone to live in safely, and by all I’d seen, she was not exactly a handy woman. There was no way she could take on those repairs herself, nor did it seem like she had the money to fund them.

The last thing Lanie needed was to get attached to someone who was going to leave.



“Hey there, Sarah.”

“Hey, stranger! You forgot to call me, you know.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’ve just been so busy cleaning up this place, and I forgot. You got my text message though, right?”

“I mean, yeah, but I was really hoping you’d call. So, how’s the cabin looking?”

I glanced around my grandmother’s home before I leaned against the kitchen counter.