Holy hell, it was attractive when a man took care of his leather.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

r /> “Wrong question.”

The tallest one with the iciest blue eyes locked his gaze on me. His voice was deep, like distant rolling thunder. He sat with his back leaned against the chair and his shoulders upright with confidence. His chest was puffed out, pressing his chiseled muscles against his tight white shirt.

I felt myself growing weak in the knees just looking at him.

“Then what’s the right one?” I asked.

“What can we do to help you?”

One of the other men with the mesmerizing blue eyes had my attention now. His shirt was cut a little deeper down his chest, revealing the top of a tattoo. He was slightly thinner than the other two, but his forearms boasted of strength. Pulsing veins so hot that I wanted to rake my tongue across the tattooed rose on his skin. His voice was commanding, but lighter than the man who had previously spoken.

“Help me?” I asked. “What do you mean? I’m pretty sure I’m the one that’s supposed to be serving you drinks.”

“Doesn’t mean you don’t need help.”

The third one that had been quiet up until this point had spoken, and his voice was rough. Edgy. Pulled tight like he was stressed. He looked wound up like something had pissed him off.

I could think of a few ways to help him unwind if that was the issue.

“There’s not anything that needs to be done,” I said. “You guys thirsty? The bar’s officially open.”

“Looks like you still have chairs to put down.”

My eyes connected with the stressed-looking one as I set my hands on the bar.

“You got a name?” I asked.

“Depends. Do you?”

“I do.”

“Ladies first.”


“Adam,” he said.

“Excuse our brother. He’s a bit high strung.”

I looked back over to the one with the icy blue eyes. His eyes were much lighter than the rest, and his temples were dusted with salt and pepper.

My guess was that he was the oldest.

“I’m Jacob, and the other one down there’s Nick.”

“Hello,” Nick said.

“And what my asshole brother’s trying to get across is that it does look like you still need help. No one’s in the bar yet, so we figured we could be of service,” Jacob said.

“So, you peeked into a bar and decided to help instead of drink,” I said.

“We’ll be drinking, don’t worry,” Adam said.

“Good. Because you look like you could use it.” I saw a shadow of a grin tug Adam’s lips and it drew my gaze down to his mouth. His lips looked soft. I wanted to lean over and kiss them, press my body against his strength and feel his hands on my ass.