“She’ll puke on him before she can get him naked,” Chanel said.

“You’d be shocked as to what Tommy will fuck through,” I said.

Chanel threw her head back and laughed before she grabbed her wine glass.

“You look beautiful tonight,” I said.

Her eyes connected with mine, raking quickly over me before she nodded.

“You fill out that shirt nicely,” she said.

“I read your blog sometimes,” I said.

“Oh? And what do you think of it?”

“It’s really good. Your writing always has been. I can still remember those letters you’d write to me between classes in high school. I was always in awe of your ability to put words together.”

I saw her blush as she grinned into her wine glass.

“And there they go,” I said.

Chanel whipped her head up as Ana and Tommy left arm-in-arm from the dining room.

“Which room do you think they’ll end up in?” she asked.

“Not gonna lie, if Tommy can get into your room, he will,” I said.

“Great,” she groaned.

“If you want, you could join me on the bow. I was headed there anyway after this dinner,” I said.

“Where all the lounge chairs are?” she asked. I nodded. “We could keep talking or we could stargaze. I’ve also heard rumors about a twenty-four seven pizzeria and soft-serve ice cream machine over that way.”

“You had me at pizza,” she said with a grin.

“Ah, so you’re still a pizza fanatic,” I said as I got up.

“Not a chance I’d give up pizza, though I pile more vegetables on than I used to.”

“Not a three-meat lover any longer?”

“Nope. I developed this fun little thing called heartburn. I guess that’s what happens when people get old.”

“Hey, we aren’t old. We aren’t even thirty yet.”

“That’s old compared to our high school days,” she said.

“True,” I said.

“I take it you know the way to the bow of the ship?” she asked. “Because I sure as hell don’t.”

“I’d better, or my former commanding officers would be seriously disappointed in me.”

I held out my hand to her, hoping she would take it. Her eyes settled on the gesture, and I could see that sea of questions kick up a bit. The boat was gliding smoothly along the ocean, the waves lightly rocking us in the process. Her eyes slid back up to mine, dancing along my face before she sighed.

Then, she slipped her perfect little hand into mine as memories came crashing back.

Her hand was just as warm and soft as I remembered it, and part of me wondered if I could intentionally get us lost so I could hold onto it a little longer.