“He says he wants someone he can trust to watch his kids. I feel bad for them. And for him really, I could tell it was actually hard for him to make the decision to work while they are here.”

“Did he say anything else? Is he gonna pay you? Put you up somewhere? Reimburse you for the plane ticket you’ll have to cancel?”

“He said he’d pay me well and that I could stay in the guest suite over there. Apparently, it closes off from the house or something like that. And I’d get a credit card to use on the island however I wanted.”

“Oh shit, girl. Shopping time! Maybe I should stay behind and help.”

“No, Morgan. You have a job to get back to.”

“And you don’t,” she pointed out.

“Ugh. I just don’t know if this is a good idea,” I said.

“What? You like his kids, right?”

“Yeah. I do.”

“And even though you won’t admit it, you do like spending time with him.”

“That’s kind of my whole point.”

“And there’s money involved. Which is not something you’re coming across that easily right now. You don’t have anything you have to get back to. So what could it hurt? It’s money in your pocket. Hell, you could probably pay off your credit card with his and he wouldn’t give a shit.”

“I’m not doing something like that,” I said.

“All I’m saying is, shit like this doesn’t come around very often. Remember the envelope of money he gave you after only two hours with his damn kids. He’d probably give you enough to buy a damn house after a week or two!”

“But you’ll be traveling home by yourself, Morgan.”

“I’m a big girl, Brooke. In case you hadn’t noticed, I can take care of myself these days. It’s a straight-shot flight that dumps me right in our backyard. I’ll let you know when I get home.”

“So, you think this is a good idea?” I asked.

“I think it’s a good opportunity to get your head on straight. The island’s doing you some good, whether it’s the beauty or the sex. Either way, it looks good on you and you could use some more of it.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“So, in celebration of your new job, you’re going to come to the bar with me beside the airport and we’re going to get me liquored up for this flight.”

“Oh boy. And who’s going to keep you out of trouble on the flight?” I teased.

“I’m sure I’ll find some poor unsuspecting shlub to woo,” she said. “So come on. The cleaning people are already trying to shove me out of here.”

I met Morgan at the edge of the pier and took my suitcase and purse from her. I shoved my phone into the depths of it before we took a cab to the bar. We threw back a couple of drinks, reminiscing about our trip, and she told me all the sordid details of her island love affair. She was nuts, but she was my best friend, and she had never steered me wrong before. The only time I ever got hurt was when I didn’t take her advice, so I wasn’t going to start ignoring her again. Not after what happened with my ex. And she was right. I did need the money, and the island had been a great place to get some writing done. With any luck, another week or so would get me that much closer to finishing my book. I just had to guard my heart, and that would be hard.

With a hug, I saw her off to the airport. I knew she would have two or three more drinks on the plane ride back, and most likely would end up making out with someone in the tiny bathroom on board. I grabbed my suitcase tightly and watched until she disappeared into the small island airport, then I turned to survey the scene around me.

Tourists bustling.

Islanders trying to help any way they could for some tips.

Cabs driving up and letting people out.

The smell of salt in the air.

I flagged down a cab and put my stuff in the trunk, then I gave the driver the description of Kevin’s house and he knew exactly where I was talking about. The cab pulled away from the airport and I felt a twinge of mystery crackle in the air.

I was about to embark on my own island adventure.