In all fairness, high school hadn’t been completely terrible, not until the last few weeks. That was when I had my heart broken and my dreams shattered before I headed off to college.

Rhett Smith, the most beautiful high school boy to ever exist, had stolen my heart. I was a nerd of the highest proportions. Took accelerated classes like Chemistry and Calculus while he was doing things like ramming into opponents on the lacrosse field. He trained in the high school gym with his buddies and ran cross-country with his best friend, Tommy Rider. I was head over heels for him and he was the perfect boyfriend.

Things were perfect, until Rhett shattered everything.

“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” Ana asked.

“Thinking about who?”

“Do I look like I was born yesterday? Rhett, duh. You’ve got that dreamy look in your eyes.”

“I don’t know about dreamy. Rhett’s the last man I should be spending any time thinking about, other than the thought of keeping my distance from him.” I said.

“Damn right! That man broke your fucking heart. He took your virginity and then fucked someone else on prom night.”

“Thank you for the rundown of the culmination of my high school career. Bitch.”

“Hey, don’t get pissy with me. We’re about to go on a nice Caribbean cruise. And we aren’t going to be the only people on this ship. I’m sure there will be lots of muscular, chiseled hunks of man meat with giant anaconda dicks to give you that big ‘O’ you’re looking for.”

“You’re relentless,” I said.

“And you’ve yet to move on romantically since high school. Rhett isn’t the only guy that can make you come, you know.”

“I’m not saying he is!”

I felt Ana’s eyes on me as I continued to pack. I wasn’t really sure what she was so concerned about. I knew Rhett was trouble just as much as her. But, she was right, I hadn’t dated since Rhett. At first, I had been too scared. And then, I’d been too busy. Then, I was too focused on my career, and before I knew it I was sleeping with random guys at the bar just to feel something.

And none of them could made me orgasm.

None of them.

“Chanel, look at me.”

I lifted my eyes to look at my best friend as she zipped up her suitcase.

“We’re going to find you someone on this ship or on these islands who can rock your world. I know once you find out another man besides that asshole can make you feel good, you’ll forget all about him.”

“I still hate him so much,” I said. “Yet, I have these damn butterflies in my stomach when I…”

“You’re fantasizing about high school, a time in our lives where we wore blue mascara, put way too much hair spray in our hair, and had horrible back acne. It wasn’t that glamorous,” Ana said.

“You had back acne?” I asked.

“You didn’t? The point is this cruise can be a fresh start for us both.”

“You just want to see if Tommy’s going to be there,” I said.

“Sorry. Your ex’s best friend was hot back then, so I’m sure he’s hot as hell now. But Rhett probably looks a wreck. I bet he’s bald and fat now. Don’t get your hopes up.”

“So, Tommy’s a stud and Rhett assumed to be a nasty piece of trash.” I asked.

“Yep. That’s karma when you break my best friend’s heart. He’ll always be that in my eyes,” she said. “Now, please tell me you have a bikini to show off that body of yours. We’re going to be sunbathing, baby!”

“I have three,” I said.

“Oh, yes. You can have a drinking bikini, a lounging around bikini, and a swimming bikini.”

“Can’t I just use all three for all those activities?” I asked.