“Seriously, you’re freaking me out a bit. Is everything okay?” I asked again.

“I’ve lengthened my trip due to some business that has come up. Another week, at least. But I don’t have anyone to watch the kids.”

I furrowed my brow as I looked past him at his children digging in the sand.

“I thought you said that this was going to be a work-free vacation. Both you and the kids deserve that,” I said.

“That’s why I’ve decided to stay longer. I’ve got some things I need to accomplish, then it’s back to vacationing with them. I’ve already talked to them about it, but I don’t have anyone I can trust to watch them.”

“Okay, so what exactly is it that you are asking me?” I asked.

“I want you to stay and watch my kids.”

My eyes grew wide as I took a step back from him.

“I’m leaving today, Kevin. I can’t stay.”

“I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”

“Your promises don’t mean much with our history,” I said. It was a truthful statement, but the look of hurt that flashed in his eyes made me feel a little bad for saying it.

“Then give me a chance to make up for that.”

“I don’t have anywhere to stay.”

“You can stay in the guest room in my house. It’s on the other side. It’s got its own bathroom. You can close the entire thing off from the rest of the house at night.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Kevin,” I said, excitement and panic warring in my stomach. The idea of staying in the house with Kevin both thrilled and terrified me. On one hand, it meant I’d get to see more of him, and on the other hand, it meant I might get my heart broken again. He had a pull on me that I couldn’t seem to shake, no matter how much he had disappointed me in our past. “I’ll pay you. Well. And give you a credit card you can use around the island for yourself and the kids. Personal or for babysitting. It doesn’t matter. What does matter to me is having someone I can trust, that the kids enjoy. And the only person on this island that fits the bill is you.”

It was hard to take in everything he was throwing at me, and I turned toward the water to try and digest it all.

“I have to talk to Morgan,” I said.

“My kids adore you. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy having you around. But this contract could be a massive thing for my company, Brooke. And I need your help.”

Small flashbacks were coming back in chunks. I’d heard those words before. Years ago, in justification of why he had missed yet a

nother dinner date. It was always something with his company. Always something to make things bigger or better. It was like no amount of money or success was ever enough for him, and I started worrying about his kids. Did he do this to them all the time? Did he set them on the backburner in favor of work? He clearly adored them and they him, but how much time did he really spend with them?

I turned it over in my head for a minute. I didn’t want the kids to suffer for him having to work. “It doesn't sound like a terrible idea.”

“You’d have a beautiful view of the island still from your room. You could draw more inspiration from the island to write your book.”

I heard him draw in a deep breath as my eyes settled on his kids. He was clearly struggling with his decision. It was written all over his face. I could almost see the inner turmoil boiling just below the surface and it warmed me to him a little bit more. Maybe he had changed. Maybe it wasn’t always all about business anymore. “Give me some time,” I said. “I’ll call you in a little while.”

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll be here.”

I walked back toward the pier in a daze. I couldn't wait to get back to my room. I pulled out my phone and called Morgan, hoping to fuck she would pick up.

“You good?” she asked. “What did Kevin want?”

“He wants me to stay behind and watch his kids.”


“Exactly,” I said. “He says he’s extended his trip here because of work shit.”

“And he wants you to be his nanny,” she said.