“It’s not good, but it’s not bad either. I feel more like I’m in limbo than anything. I have to talk with my landlord and get all that straightened out, and if I can’t, I have to find a place to live here in Dallas. Or around the area, at least. I’m still in the process of trying to find a job here that I enjoy. The one I secured when Michael and I decided to make our home out here was only to help make ends meet so he wasn’t carrying the brunt of the financial responsibility like he had been. But I’m not happy with it. It’s just a lot to consider right now.”

“Sounds like it,” I said. “What job you got secured now?”

“The firm I’m with deals in everything. Identity theft, worker’s compensation, basic civil disagreements. It has no focus, and it makes the job ten times harder,” she said.

“What do you wanna do?” I asked.

“Well when I think about it, the only thing that really puts a fire under me is the thought of helping single moms.”

“Doesn’t shock me one damn bit,” I said.

“If I had it my way, I’d open my own firm and target helping single mothers with anything they needed. I watched my mother struggle all her life when she could’ve had a court work in her favor. I’m tired of seeing single mothers crapped on by society because they don’t have decent enough representation because they can’t afford it. That’s what I really want to do. But opening my own practice takes money, so I have to work a job I hate in order to get the money to save to do what I love.”

“I’ve always admired you for your tenacity, Katie. Whatever happens, I know you’re gonna do it because it’s what you’ve always done. You do what you want no matter what’s standin’ in your way.”

“Thanks, Wyatt. I appreciate it.”

“Anytime. But we should be gettin’ back. I still gotta work, and you gotta figure out where your friends went.”

“And check on Hunter. You know, make sure he hasn’t puked up his stomach yet,” she said.

We turned our horses around and rode back to the stables, full gallop through the woods and I got another perfect view of her luscious body.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

She was full of fire and fight and had dreams she wanted to pursue. I knew she was going to be just fine once she got her feet back under her.

Katie always was. She was strong as an ox and bull-headed to the core. If she wanted something, she

was going to get it.

We rode the horses up to the stables, and I quickly dismounted. Katie kept getting her boot caught up in the wrong side of the stirrup, and it was making getting her down difficult. I held out my arms to her so she could slide right off, but she moved at the last minute, and it threw me off balance. I stumbled back into the stables, landing right up against a wooden beam as her body pressed deeply into mine.

“Wyatt. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t get my foot turned around. Are you okay?”

“Yep. Just fine. You good?” I asked.

I looked down at her and caught her wild stare. Her beautiful hair was all in her face, and I brushed it back without a second thought. Something changed in the air around us. It crackled with electricity as I tucked some of her hair behind her ear. I cupped her cheek, and she closed her eyes, nuzzling into my skin as her touch shot fire up my arm.

Desire was filling my gut as my lips made their way toward hers. I was helpless to stop it. My body wanted her more than I could stand.

Our lips connected as my hand wrapped around and supported her neck. At first, it was only my lips moving, and I wondered if I’d made a mistake. I stopped my movements and waited for her to return the kiss, searching for any sign that this was something she wanted too.

Then her hands flew to my hair, gripping it tightly as her lips pressed into mine.

I cloaked her back with my arms and pulled her deeper into my torso. I picked her up off her feet, our tongues dancing together as electricity shivered me in my boots. I walked her deeper into the stables and into a dark corner, shrouding our bodies so I could feel her properly.

This time I wasn’t going to let the moment pass.

End of Sneak Peek. Would you like to know how this continues?

Click Here: Her Best Men