“You’re w

elcome to try sir, but I guarantee you, it’s there. However, I have asked every single one of your guests if they wanted their rooms refunded and a credit put toward their airline tickets to get home. Some have taken me up on the offer. Others have not.”

“I’ll take you to fucking court if you think you’re gonna keep ten thousand damn dollars.”

“Then I await the subpoena for court.”

Even though I was keeping my voice steady and eradicating my accent as much as I could to seem professional, I was ready to go to blows. I saw how he’d treated Katie last night.

I saw how he was staring down women as they passed by in their low-cut dresses. I saw how he ignored her and how depressed she looked.

Katie was nothing but radiant in her rehearsal gown. The champagne-colored dress fell over her curves like sunlight pours through the sheer curtains of a window during a sunrise. And a woman who was dressed in such decadence deserved to be treated like the queen she was.

Except all he’d done was ignore her, snuff out her light and rob Katie of the joy I knew she hadn’t felt for a long time. She’d been through so much with the loss of her mother.

She deserved to have the wedding of her dreams.

It wasn’t right. Katie didn’t deserve that, and I was glad she’d called things off.

I was happy for her, and for selfish reasons of my own.

“It’s that bitch’s fault all this went to hell. You wanna charge someone? Charge her,” Michael said.

This man must have a death wish.

“Language, sir. Some of our guests have sensitive ears.”

I felt my jaw clench as I came out from behind the counter. I walked toward the pussy of a man standing in front of me and wrapped my hands around behind my back. I could feel my brothers’ eyes on me, watching my hands ball up into fists as I hid them from our guests. No one needed to see any violence this morning.

But if he threw the first punch, I would be sure to end the fiasco.

“Sir. You have a contract outlining our policy, and I have been more than generous with the guests of this resort. Either you calm your voice and vacate the premises, or I will throw you out myself.”

I looked down at the man, a good four inches shorter than me. My smile was warm, but my eyes were blank.

I wanted him to know I could take him.

I wanted him to know whose territory he was standing in.

I wanted him to tremble in his shined shoes until his millions came falling out of his pockets.

“Hide behind that suit. Pussies do that,” Michael said with a murmur.

“You really should work on that language. Have a good day, Mr. Thompson.”

An older man approached Michael. I assumed he was the douchebag’s father.

“Come on, son. This man isn’t worth your weight in feathers.”

“I hope you will come and enjoy our resort soon,” I said.

“Not a fat chance in hell,” Michael said.

“Son? Decorum. Thompsons always hold themselves with decorum.”

I swallowed my chuckle as the man straightened his suit and headed for the door. He called me a pussy, but he was the one that had backed down. Men were astounding sometimes, and I didn’t know how parents could live with themselves. Raising such insolent and offensive animals to unleash onto the whole of society.

Michael’s father looked back at me, a gleam of anger in his eyes. I knew we would see some court paperwork cross this desk soon, but all I’d have to do is send our lawyer out with a copy of our standard contractual agreement. I’d outline all the extra things I’d offered each individual guest, and no courtroom would side with the likes of “The Thompsons.”