“Nicole. Lily’s at the table,” I said.

“Sorry. But, you should make friends with him and get him to talk to your neighbor. I bet she’d back down.”

“That intimidating?”

“Yes, which is another reason you should get a security system.”

“You want my neighbor to be an attack dog for my other neighbor while I guard myself against both of them?” I asked.

“A woman can never be too careful,” she said with a grin.

“So I take it you’ve dug into this guy with your super-secret spy skills?” I asked.

“A bit. I don’t think he has a job or anything around here yet. At least, not a job anyone knows about. But he’s already ruffled a few feathers.”

“How long has he been in town?” I asked.

“A couple months. Was renting a place closer to town until this past weekend when he moved next door. But people are talking.”.”

“People around here talk if you wear white after Labor Day for Christ sake.”

“Either way, the rumors aren’t good. He’s gruff and rather unfriendly. He cussed out old man Dillard the other day, apparently.”

“In his defense, we all want to cuss out old man Dillard,” I said.

“Beside the point.”

“No, exactly the point. Have you actually met this man? I mean, gone up and shaken his hand?”

“No, but I know—”

“Then you can’t judge him by the rumor mill. This town talks. It always does. And sometimes, it has a good reason to talk. But usually, it doesn’t. Just a bunch of bored old biddies with nothing better to do than make up some juicy stories to pass around the knitting circle,” I said.

“You still need that security system,” Nicole said.

“I’ll wait for that winning lottery ticket, and I’ll get one,” I said.

“Mommy, when’s the pizza gonna get here?”

I looked up and saw Lillian’s beautiful blue eyes staring back at me, full of her father’s spirit and calm.

I felt my heart leap against my chest as I smiled at her.

“Soon, booger. Soon.”

I watched a smile spread across her cheeks as a knock came at the door.

“Pizza delivery.”

“Just a second!” Nicole said.

“I can get dinner,” I said.

“Nope. You need to save up for that security system. I’ve got dinner tonight,” she said.

Nicole meant well.

She always did.