He grunted as he gripped as hard as he could onto my skin. I knew I’d be looking at bruises in the morning, but I didn’t care. His balls were slapping my clit and his cock was stroking that beautiful place within my body. I pushed into the bed and leaned back into him, meeting him thrust for thrust as his cock began to swell within me. I was breathless. Speechless. My throat was gripped with an ecstasy I hadn’t felt in years. My toes began to curl so tightly my legs cramped and I could feel Kevin’s hips stuttering against mine.

His body rocked against mine, burying himself inside me time and time again. I was wiggling and jolting as electricity took me over. I lost control of my body. I pressed myself up onto my hands and let my tits sway against the bed. I threw myself back into him as his arms wrapped around me, forcing me upright and against his chest.

His sweat intermingled with mine as my hands flew to his hair. I pulled his lips into my neck and he began to nibble against my skin. His stubble was intoxicating, and his tongue was hot. I ground my ass back into him, feeling his cock throb against my walls. He was groaning into my skin. Sending goosebumps fluttering on top of my skin. His hands massaged my tits and ran down the sides of my body before his fingertips parted my pussy folds.

And one stroke was all it took.

I fell over the edge as my eyes screwed shut. I gripped so tightly onto his hair I thought I was going to pull it from his scalp. His cock slid into me one last time before he stilled against me, his chest panting and his hands roaming my body. He wrapped me up in his strong grasp and peppered my neck with kisses. I felt the spurts of hot cum drench my pussy before it slid down my legs and dripped onto the sheets of his bed.

And everything was silent.

Nothing except the swirling of our sex-stained air and the panting of our lungs could be heard.

We collapsed to the bed, heaving for air and trembling against one another. I sank my face into his skin, drawing in the scent of his body. It had always been my favorite of his scents. Despite his expensive colognes and the flowers he would buy me to apologize, none of it compared to the vulnerability and salted sweetness of his skin after fucking me senseless.

I took in as much of it as I could before he rolled off my body.

I closed my eyes and saw a story beginning to unfold before my eyes. I saw a woman on an island with her hair blowing in the breeze. I saw a sheer wrap fluttering around her body. I saw her hair cascading in the wind.

And off in the distance, I saw a man, with his eyes trained on her instead of the beauty of the rising sun.

There it was.

My story.

“I can’t stay,” I said, breathlessly. “I have to go.”

“I know. It would be confusing for the kids to see you waking up here.”

“It would, yes.”

“Has inspiration hit you yet?”

“What?” I asked.

“Drinking and fucking. You said you used to do that in college to get rid of your writer’s block. Did it help?”

I felt a pang of hurt rush through my chest. Was that all this was?

“I have to go,” I said, refusing to admit to him that it had worked.

Grabbing my things, I rushed out of the house. I ran back to the hut Morgan and I were sharing as his cum dripped down my leg. I tried to rid myself of the feeling, to forget it as tears brewed in my eyes. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting from an encounter like that, but again, I had gotten my hopes up that it was something more than it was.

I let my guard down like Morgan told me not to, and now I was crying.


I didn’t stop running until I got to our hut. Of course, Morgan was nowhere to be found. Probably off with her little island boy drinking and having the grandest of times. I tossed my stuff onto my bed and walked into the bathroom, jumping in the shower to rid myself of the shame I felt for being so stupid.

Despite the hurt, the inspiration was still there. Scenes were bleeding to the forefront of my mind and I couldn’t waste them because of a broken heart. I dried off and threw on some clothes before I sat down at my desk and began to type away, my fingers flying at lightning speed.

I wrote for three hours before my eyes could no longer focus, and I was pleased with the work I had gotten done.

Crawling into bed, I slid underneath the covers and pulled them up to my chin as the lapping of the waves against the pilings under the hut lulled me to sleep. I closed my eyes and slipped deep into the darkness. Deep into a restful slumber so my body could recuperate.

And there was Kevin. With his naked body and his strong arms and his dexterous tongue. Waiting for me to fall into him so he could fold me around any way he pleased.