“You could lose everything too, you know,” I spat. “Emily. Nolan. Your freedom. Hell, maybe even your life, for all I know.”

“I know,” he admitted. “It was stupid. It was wrong, and I was an idiot to get involved with it in the first place. Seeing how close I came to dying today – believe me, I get it.”

I stopped, stepping back and looked at him for a long moment.

“Iwas desperate and fell into this whole thing by accident,” he said. “But I'm done. Truly done. I'll find something else. I just didn't want to lose my brother and sister, and this seemed like the only way to keep us all together. But, you're right – I could have lost them anyway. And I could have lost you.”

His voiced thickened with emotion again and he choked up. “You could have been hurt. Or worse,” he said. “And I would have never forgiven myself.”

As much as I wanted to be mad, to scream and yell at him, seeing that sad, pained, haunted look in his eyes, I knew he was serious. Shane had always been the type of person who put others first. He was nothing like Trent in that regard. “I believe you,” I said softly.

“Thank you,” he said. “I understand if you don't want to be with me. I know your daughter comes first. I respect that. I just wanted you to know – that's not who I am.”

I nodded. My heart was aching inside me, my stomach was in knots. I yearned to press my lips to his and to tell him it was alright, that we could be together, hat we'd find a way to work through this and that I wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with me.

Even though I wasn't sure we could. Not right now, at least. I reached out and stroked his cheek, and he leaned into my touch, making my heart shatter even more.

“I'm sorry, Shane. I'd love to say I can look past this, but I can't. Not this easily,” I said. “I need to focus on my daughter first, and then? Then we'll see what happens.”

He nodded and kissed my palm. “I understand. You know where to find me.”

He turned and walked toward the door, and I felt like something inside of me had cracked open. My chest was tight, and I couldn't breathe. Seeing him walk away again – it reminded me of having to watch him walk out of my life all those years ago. It remined of when I'd lost him the first time.

I had to bite back the sob that threatened to burst from my throat. I couldn't give in. I just couldn't, there was too much at stake.

“My custody hearing is in a few weeks,” I said as he approached the door. “After that, we can talk. Okay?”

He looked over his shoulder and shot me one of his infamous smiles, though it looked painfully weak and uncertain to me. But still, was the smile that I dreamt about for years, while sleeping next to my abusive ex. The smile I never thought I'd see again until that fateful day I caught his brother stealing.

I smiled back.

Maybe there was hope after all. Maybe, we just needed a little time.


A few weeks later, I stared across the courtroom at my ex. He smirked at me, shooting me a cocky, knowing glance. My stomach roiled, and I feared I might lose my lunch, but the dark, abiding anger I felt for him rose up strong within me. Straightening up in my seat, I focused my attention straight ahead at the judge instead. Sheila was at my side, holding my hand. She was confident that the judge would side with me.

. Sheila had contacted his so-called employer, only to find holes in the story. They had no files on Trent, no actual time cards, no authentic W2's, no nothing. They didn't even have an application for him. They had absolutely nothing of any merit. Eventually, the employer had backed down and recanted his story. Even better, as of that morning, Sheila had confirmed proof that Trent had paid the company to fake whatever employee payroll records and more that he'd provided to the court to prove his story.

Which was, a federal crime.

My stomach churned but I knew we were going to win . Trent was only pretending that he had a chance, acting like he still had something up his sleeve. He knew he was in deep shit but was showboating just to scare me. He liked making me feel weak.

No more, I thought. Once we were done with this, we were free and clear. If all went well, Trent would end up behind bars and there'd never be a doubt that Olivia should live with me.

The judge looked over everything and called us back into order.

“After reviewing the paperwork from both sides,” Judge King said, “I see no reason that custody should not remain with the mother, full-time. As of this time, the father does not only seem unsuitable to care for a child but may be facing criminal charges as well. I hereby grant full custody to the mother, Piper Anderson, and revoke any and all visitations from the father at this time.”

I sighed as a powe

rful wave of relief washed over me. Trent was not going to be able to hurt us again. He'd never be able to control me. Not through my daughter, not through any method whatsoever. I was free f him. I was finally free to live my life.

Sheila and I left the courthouse and stepped into warm, late August sun. It was still incredibly hot and humid, but it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, so I felt better than ever. As we walked down the stairs of the courthouse, I caught sight of my mother and Olivia. I had no idea either of them would be there, especially since Trent was, and it made me nervous to have my baby girl around him. I rushed over to them, and that's when I saw they were not alone.

My smile grew when I saw Shane holding Olivia's hand as they approached us. I knew that he would have protected my daughter and mother just as he protected his own family. I hurried over and wrapped my arms around my daughter, tears of joy spilling down my face.

“How'd it go?” mom asked.