“You bring me what I ordered?” Buzz Cut asked, his voice deep and rumbling.

“You bring Tim's money?”

Buzz Cut looked over at Baldy and nodded. The bald guy looked around, making sure we weren't being watched – we weren't – and opened up a paper bag, showing me some cash inside.

I nodded and held my hand out to take the bag, but Baldy snatched it away quickly. I looked at him, a cold feel of dread stealing over me. I hadn't had any issues with any of Tim's clients to this point, but something about these two rubbed me the wrong way. They sent red flags up in my head.

“Look, I gotta have the cash in hand before I can give you the bag,” I said. “Tim's rules.”

“Fuck Tim,” Baldy said.

Buzz Cut laughed. “Relax, man,” he told Baldy and then pointed to the bag on my shoulder. “Sorry, he's just a little high strung. Needs his vitamins and all.”

“Well, hand me the paper bag and he gets his – vitamins.” I said.

Buzz Cut leaned back against his car again and eyed me up and down, taking me all in. It was like he was trying to decide something in his head about me. What that could be, I had no idea. The longer we stood out there though, the more exposed I felt, and the more nervous I got. I kept cutting glances over to the C&S windows, half-expecting to see Piper's face in them, staring at me – knowing what I was doing out there.

“Look,” I said. “This is easy. Give me your bag, I give you mine, we all go on our separate ways. If you don't want what I have – ”

“Slow down, son,” Buzz Cut said. “Jesus Christ, you're a jumpy one.”

I shrug. “I don't like standing out in the middle of an open area with a bag full of pot on my back.”

Both men laughed and nudged each other in the ribs with their elbows like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

“What's so funny?” I asked.

“We don't smoke pot,” Aaron said. “Do we look like a couple of dopeheads to you?”

I shrugged, though the revelation that I wasn't carrying marijuana was a little bit unsettling. I'd never known Tim to do anything but smoke pot. I guess because of that, I didn't realize he'd deal in other drugs too. But then, did it really matter? Drugs were drugs and if I got caught muling them like I was, I'd end up doing some time in prison.

“Not my business to know,” I said. “I'm just here to make a delivery.”

“What's to stop us from kicking your ass and just taking that bag off you, kid?” Baldy – whose name I'd yet to hear – said.

I look around, that feeling of trepidation growing stronger within me. It wasn't like I could run to the cops for protection. Not with this bag of – who knew what – on my back. But then, going back to Tim empty handed, without

his money wasn't a good idea for me either.

Prison on the one hand, a bullet in the head in the other – yeah, my options were just fantastic.

Buzz Cut lifted up his shirt, showing me the butt of the gun sticking out of the waistband of his jeans. The shudder of fear that passed through me made both men laugh out loud.

“Why don't you just hand over the bag,” Aaron said. “And we'll all just call it even.”

I shook my head. “I can't go back to Tim without the money.”

“Well, I hate to break it to you,” Buzz Cut went on, “but, you ain't getting this money.”

Apparently, to emphasize the point, Baldy threw the bag of cash back through the window and into the car behind him, folding his arms over his chest. They both stared daggers at me. I cleared my throat and tried to project a confidence I didn't feel.

“Then you aren't getting this bag,” I said.

They both stared harder at me, the scowls on their faces deepening.

“Kid, I don't think you heard me right,” Buzz Cut said, emphasizing his point by tapping the butt of his pistol. “You're going to give me that fuckin' bag. Right now.”

I look around the parking lot. There was nobody out and about, and traffic on the street was pretty sparse. Even still, I had to wonder if he'd actually use the gun. If he'd actually shoot me right there, in broad daylight. I didn't really want to find out, but I couldn't let him take the bag from me – not without giving me the money.