I guided her backward and onto the bed and knelt between her open thighs.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Chloe” I whispered as I took my engorged cock in my hand, the tip glistening with a drop of cum. I rubbed the tip over her wet folds and watched the way her face contorted with pleasure.

“Stop teasing me, Conner,” Chloe pleaded after a few seconds, her voice rough and desperate. “I want to feel you inside me. Please don’t make me wait.”

I smiled at her begging and balanced myself on my arms so I could look at her. Holding her gaze, I pushed myself slowly inside of her and delighted at her gasp and how tight she was.

“Is this what you want?” I whispered against her lips.

“Yes,” she moaned.

With another roll of my hips, I pushed a bit deeper. Chloe moaned and called my name as I continued to slide further and further into her tight pussy, not stopping until I was completely buried inside of her.

I waited for a moment before starting to thrust, wanting her to get used to the feel of me. Though my need to possess her nearly drove me insane, I didn’t want to hurt her. I wanted to give her as much pleasure as I would take from her.

I slowly began to move inside of her and she instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist. With this new angle, I could bury myself to the hilt in her aching core with each long, slow thrust. Chloe cried out once and I stopped, looking down at her with concern in my eyes, only to quickly realize that her cry was not one of pain.

Hoping to give her a first time worth remembering, I kissed her mouth, her face, her neck as my cock worked itself slowly in and out of her until her eyes closed and my name started rolling off her tongue. I picked up speed as her body began to quiver and her inner walls pulsed around my cock.

It was all I could do not to let my primal need take over, but I wanted to see her, I wanted to watch her come with me inside of her.

“Oh my God, Conner!,” she cried in a sharp shriek of pure pleasure.

I kissed her neck and whispered, “Let go for me, baby. Let go.”

As soon as the words were out of my lips, Chloe tossed her head back, arched against me and found her release. Her walls pulsed around my cock and her body shivered with her orgasm, and just like I knew it would be, the sight was magnificent. Her orgasm made me even hungrier for her and I continued to pump her pussy until her body stopped thrashing and her breathing slowed.

Hard as a rock and still buried inside of her, I rolled to my side and pulled her to me. With genuine concern, I asked, “Are you ok?”

“That was amazing,” she whispered with a well-fucked smile on her pouty lips.

Knowing that she was truly ok, I was finally able to take my own pleasure. I guided her hips with my hands to rock against me and in just a few seconds, she took over and set our rhythm. She slid over me again and again, arching her back to give me full access. I used my thumb on her clit as she rode my cock and when I felt her walls collapse on me again, I finally gave in. Holding her hips firmly, I rocked into her and emptied myself deep inside her pussy, filling her with so much pent up cum that it ran out of her to pool on my stomach.

Thoroughly satisfied, I lifted her off of me and pulled her against me. I kissed her hair and held her tight, knowing without a doubt that I was completely in love with her.

Moved by that surprising feeling, I found myself asking a question I’d never thought I’d ask a woman on a Friday night. “Do you have plans for tomorrow?”

For a second, my words hung in the silent air. Then, Chloe raised her head from my chest to look at me. Her brows pulled together just slightly, and she shook her head. “Hayden is back on tour, and I’m alone at home, so no. Why?”

“Lucas and I are doing the horseback and ice-cream thing tomorrow, and I was wondering if you’d like to join us.” My words were followed by a deep breath and a lot of anticipation.

Understanding the seriousness of what I was asking her, Chloe smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips as she replied, “I’d love to.”

Now I just had to figure out how I was going to tell my best friend in the world that I was in love with his daughter and I wasn’t ever letting her go.


The next three weeks were my definition of a perfect life. After my first Saturday morning riding with Conner and Lucas, the three of us hanging out together became a thing. We spent every moment of the weekends on fun adventures and most weeknights playing games or watching movies at their house.

Since our relationship was still very new and we hadn’t discussed the details of it yet, Conner and I refrained from any displays of affection in front of his son and simply told the boy that I was around as a friend which allowed us to get to know each other on a more personal level. We talked about everything and laughed more than I did with anyone else in my life. With each passing day, we grew closer, and I fell a bit more in love with both of the Wilkes boys.

Although it was sometimes hard to find time in our busy schedules to be intimate, the sexual side of our relationship also continued to evolve. Now that my cherry had been popped—in the grandest possible way, I craved Conner all the time, and he was always happy to oblige. Every second of alone ti

me we managed to find—whether in his house late at night or in my office—was spent naked and making love.

Everything was perfect and, for the first time in a long time, I was really happy. However, if there’s a universal truth in life, it is that things never stay perfect for long. Sooner or later, the shit always hits the fan, right?

In my case, that dreaded moment happened on a Wednesday morning, while Conner and I were locked inside my office, naked, and with me bouncing up and down on his cock. His hands were on my tits, my mouth was on his neck, the muscles inside my pussy were tightening with an impending orgasm. Everything was perfect with the exception of my damned phone that didn’t stop ringing.