He shook his head and shrugged. “Not really, just trying to talk to you. Well… trying to flirt is more like it. I guess after seven years dating the same girl, I’m not very good at it.”

My heart raced with amazement at his sweet bluntness. “Honestly, I’m not great at flirting either, but I think you’re doing alright.”

“Just alright?” he asked in a teasing tone that made me giggle.

Uninvited, Conner’s voice repeated the last words he said to me, “Go find a nice boy your own age.”

Spurred on by those words, I asked. “How old are you, Phil?”

He raised a brow before replying. “Twenty-seven. You?”

“Twenty-two,” I replied with real excitement in my voice for the first time in ten days. My enthusiasm at finding a nice boy my own age while Conner was right there watching made me feel bold.

“Well Phil, I’m afraid to say that yes, so far, you’re doing just alright,” I teased.

“And how can I do more than just alright?” There was a hefty dose of amusement in his voice.

With a deep breath and a gulp of my champagne, I moved my eyes from Phil’s handsome face to the dance floor where the wedding guests were flocked. He followed my gaze, and once his eyes returned to me, they were sparkling.

“Chloe, would you do me the honor?”

The question made me grin from ear to ear. “Oh, I thought you’d never ask.”

He laughed and raised a hand for me to take. I finished my drink and placed the empty glass on the table next to me. Just as I was about to put my hand over Phil’s, someone else grabbed it.

Both, Phil and I turned our faces to look at the intruder, and I was a little surprised to see it was Conner. My brows pulled together as I looked from my hand to his face. “Is everything okay?”

Conner shook his head. Then, with a strained voice, he replied, “No, there’s a crisis in the kitchen, and they need you.”

I sighed and closed my eyes for a disappointed moment. When I reopened them to look at Phil, his good guy smile was still in place. “Just go, I’ll take a rain check. Seriously, if something goes wrong because I was dancing with the woman in charge, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.” The words were barely out of my mouth, and Conner was pulling me away.

With him still holding my hand, we walked down the cobblestone path leading toward the main building where the kitchen was. However, instead of walking inside, Conner continued past it.

“Where are we going?” I asked, but he didn’t reply.

I didn’t get an answer until we entered the meadow by the lake and he finally released me. My eyes were fixed on Conner’s wide back as he paced and took deep breaths for a couple of seconds. Then, he turned to look at me. His face was twisted into an angry mask, and for the first time, his intensity actually alarmed me.

“What the fuck were you doing with that boy, Chloe?” His demanding voice was just a notch below yelling.

My brows furrowed not only with confusion but also with budding anger at his Jekyll and Hyde attitude. I crossed my arms and stared defiantly into his intense blue eyes. “I was doing what you told me to do, Conner. I found a nice boy my own age.”

“At my resort? While you knew I was looking?”

I shrugged. “And? You told me you were out. I gave you something I had never given anyone, I promised you even more, and you broke my heart in the worst, coldest way possible and didn’t even give me an explanation why. I’m done trying to figure out what I did wrong, because I didn’t do anything wrong! You were clearly just playing a game and got bored, you never actually gave a shit about me.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it,” he spat back at me as he walked in my direction like a wolf stalking pray.

In a move that was as rough as it was sexy, he grabbed my wrist and brought my hand to his crotch. Through the thick fabric of his pants, I could feel the hard ridge of his cock pulsing and pushing against the denim. He felt huge and thick, and I instantly grew wet.

Holding my gaze, he asked, “Does that feel like someone who

doesn’t give a shit?”

I gasped. “No, it doesn’t, which doesn’t make sense. If you care so much and I make you so hard, why did you walk away? Why did you tell me to find someone else?”

With my palm still firmly pressed against his crotch, Conner sighed and brought his other hand up to tuck a stray lock of my hair behind my ear. “Because I care too much, Chloe. I want you too much, and it’s like sticking a knife in my best friend’s back,” he said, in a voice that was almost soft.