“Bullshit. You serious?”

“Yeah, I was too worried about getting good grades and maintaining my GPA to actually have a social life.”

I shook my head. I simply couldn’t believe that a twenty-two-year-old woman as pretty as her had never experienced a night of partying, and it made me wonder what else she had never experienced. I thought back to all her blushing and doe eyes whenever she caught me checking her out, and the possibilities in that made me almost dumb with excitement.

With a deep need to investigate further, I took a sip of my whiskey and held her gaze. “And didn’t your boyfriend mind you not joining him for all the fun stuff.”

“I didn’t have a boyfriend in college,” she admitted in a shy tone.

Although it wasn’t proof, Chloe’s little confession led me to believe that she might still be a virgin. The possibility of it made my cock nearly burst through the zipper of my pants. I hadn’t been a girl’s first since high school, and that had been twenty-two years ago when I was a flustered teenager. Now that I actually knew what to do, I couldn’t even imagine how incredible it would feel to teach someone as gorgeous as Chloe all the secrets and pleasures of her body.

The idea alone drove me half-crazy with need. I wanted Chloe as my own. I wanted to shape her so no other man would ever fit as well as me. I wanted her spreasd across my bed with my cock pulsing inside of her and my name rolling off her tongue. I wanted to be her first and her only, but I knew it would never happen. It couldn’t. At least not if I wanted to keep my nuts where they were.

Then again, if Chloe and I could keep things just between the two of us perhaps there was a chance. While the thought made me feel like a complete asshole, I couldn’t help but wonder about the possibilities.

Knowing that those were some dangerous waters I was treading, I pushed those thoughts away from my mind and changed the conversation. “Well, since you’re graduated and employed now, I feel like it’s my duty, as the most experienced party here, to teach you about fun bar nights.”

Holding my gaze and giggling, she replied. “That sounds fun. Teach away, master.”

Those words sounded way too good coming out of her mouth. In a split second, my mind was filled with a very vivid image of her naked and tied to my bed, saying those exact things but in a much different tone. I couldn’t help but smirk.

“First of all,” I started in a very firm, teacher-like tone. “Wine isn’t really a fun bar night drink. You want beer, whiskey, or tequila.”

Forcing a straight face, she nodded, “Duly noted.” I waited a second for her to tell me which one it would be. When she didn’t, I raised a brow and, like a good student, she quickly reacted. “Oh, I have to choose one now?”

I nodded and waited as she looked up while pondering her choices. Then, she replied, “Tequila. I never had it and always wanted to do the salt and lime thing.”

I chuckled at yet more proof of how inexperienced she was. I raised my hand to call a bartender and was glad when Rob showed up instead of Jackie. With my eyes fixed on Chloe, I ordered a bottle of Cuervo along with lime and salt, and, seeing that the pool table was empty, I requested it to be delivered there.

Once the bartender was done, I turned to Chloe for her second lesson. “Games are a must. I hope you can play pool.”

She laughed as I got up from my chair and offered my hand to help her up. “I most certainly can’t,” she admitted with enthusiasm in her voice. “But I’m sure you can teach me.”

My cock pulsed again and I chuckled. “It’ll be my pleasure, Angel.”

And I knew it would. I would definitely live to regret it, but I would enjoy every second of our time together. I couldn’t help but think that I’d find great pleasure in teaching Chloe everything I had to offer.


My night with Conner was going great, and I was able to finally let loose. Although I sucked at pool, he was an amazing teacher and even better company. In the two hours we spent together, we drank, played and talked in a way I never thought we would. He asked me about school and life in Italy, and in return told me about his son and his plans for the resort. It made me feel like I wasn’t his best friend’s daughter and employee, and he wasn’t my lifelong crush. We were just two people having fun and getting to know each other on a date, and I loved every second of it.

I loved it so much, if fact, that by the time he excused himself to go to the bathroom, my panties were soaking wet. I was in desperate need of some extra guidance. With my heart beating a million miles per hour, I picked up my phone and texted Hayden.

‘I guess u were right. This may be a date.’


ntly, I drummed my fingernails over the surface of the table as I waited for the reply. About thirty seconds later, it finally arrived.

‘Details. NOW!!’

With a grin, I started typing.

‘We talked, drank tequila, and he taught me to play pool. We both agreed I suck at it, but he was a great teacher, and I swear there was a moment when I felt his cue poking me - if you know what I mean ;)’

A few seconds later, my phone beeped with another incoming message.

‘LOL! That’s my girl!! You’ve been waiting for this your entire life, and tonight’s the night. Make momma proud.’