Chloe Jones was my best friend’s daughter, and no matter how hot she was or how much my cock twitched at the thought of her, that was all she could ever be.

I groaned and straightened my body so that every inch of me would be under the frigid spray. Defying the laws of nature, my cock didn’t shrink at the cold. It remained awake and ready for someone that could never be mine.

My eyes closed in an attempt to focus my brain and find a solution to the problem. However, all I thought about was Chloe.

Instinctively, my hand drifted down to my massive erection. Behind my closed lids, I saw Chloe’s sweet mouth wrapped around my cock. I wondered how much of me she would be able to take and how deliciously smooth it would feel. I pictured her tits bouncing and her pretty blond hair wrapped around my hand as I worked myself in and out of her lips.

I knew that even fantasizing about her was wrong, but for some reason, the forbidden aspect of it made the whole thing even sweeter. Before I knew it, my balls were tight, and my body felt like it was dangling from a precipice. I held onto the wall in front of me and kept Chloe’s face and tits front and center in my mind as I sped up my movements, until my body finally erupted with one of the strongest orgasms I’d ever had.

Once I was done, and she was still in my thoughts, I stood under the cold water waiting for my breath to return to normal and realized three very important things. The first was that working with Chloe would be hard as hell. The second was that since I was doomed to be around her every day, showers like this would become frequent. And finally, the third and most important was that I was incredibly fucked.

* * *

Not giving two shits that my boots and the rest of me were filthy, I opened the massive front doors of the Resort’s reception and walked inside. I didn’t stop walking until I was right underneath one of the big AC vents and the deliciously cold air was pumping right at my face.

As glad as I was to be out of the office and working on things I actually liked, like the resort’s maintenance and the training of our horses, I couldn’t deny that not having air-conditioning in the barn when the weather was this hot was a bitch. With a sigh of relief, I removed my hat and wiped my hand across my sweaty forehead as I filled my lungs with the cold air.

My breaths weren’t just meant to refresh m

y overheated body, they were also intended to calm my mind and prepare me to venture into Chloe’s office.

It had been two weeks since I laid eyes on her in my kitchen, and I was still unable to shake my desire. Making her mine was all I thought about when I was alone in the shower or buried inside a random woman from the bar. The situation was annoying as fuck—or better yet, as not fucking—and what made it a lot worse was the low-cut dresses she often wore to work.

For that reason, I spent all day making damn sure I was as far away from her as possible—as I did most days. However, as her boss, and despite my personal reservations, it was still my job to check on her and see if she was settling in okay.

With a long exhale, I started moving toward the back of the room. As usual, the door to her office was wide open. Chloe was a big fan of open doors and first names, a personal approach to administering a business that made her very popular with clients and employees – and also sidetracking the hell out of me.

I peeked inside her office and frowned. “You okay?”

Chloe lifted her head up from the desk to look at me. Her arms were still stretched across the table, and her body draped over the surface in a way that squished her tits into a cleavage so magnificent my cock instantly came to life.

Just as my mind started conjuring images of her in that same position while I fucked her from behind, Chloe exhaled and said, “Nope.”

That single word cleared all inappropriate thoughts from my mind and made my eyes bounce from those gorgeous pale mounds on her chest to her face. With my eyes locked on hers, I approached her desk.

“You’ve got dirt on your forehead,” she informed me casually once I was standing right in front of her.

For some reason, the comment made me chuckle and relax. If she was making jokes, things couldn’t be that bad. I sat on the couch facing her and raised a brow.

“You’ve got a bright red spot on yours,” I retorted in the same tone and smirked as her hand instantly rose to touch her forehead.

“So, tell me. What’s up?”

My voice made it clear that I wasn’t asking, I was commanding her to answer. Like a good girl, Chloe pulled herself to a sitting position and obeyed. Her immediate compliance pleased me in a way that went far beyond professional.

“Alice Bernstein,” she muttered, and I needed no further explanation.

Alice was a prominent wedding planner who was overseeing a big society wedding that would take place at Blackwater in a few months. She was also a major ball-busting, entitled, pushy bitch and the reason why my last administrator quit her job.

“What did she ask for this time?”

A heavy sigh passed through Chloe’s lush lips, and my attention was instantly drawn to them. My tongue glided across my lips in a desperate need to taste her. Frustrated by my inability to control myself around her, I ran a hand through my hair and ordered my mind to focus on her words and not her looks.

“She wants to change the date of the wedding to two weeks from now.”

“What the fuck?” I asked outraged and with wide eyes. Like most society weddings, this one had all kinds of extravagant crap planned, and though I didn’t know all the details, I knew we had already hired over a dozen companies to help with the event. The logistics of changing everything would be a shit show.

“That’s crazy. We won’t have the time to change everything.”