“Because she’s here for a job interview and not to have fun. Also, don’t say hell, son. It ain’t nice.”

The nervousness I had felt in my car came back with full vengeance. Fuck, was I going to make a complete fool of myself? This was the first time in years I heard Conner’s voice, and the effect was still the same. My heart started to pound inside my chest, my palms grew sweaty, my mouth felt as dry as sand paper, and I felt a tension between my legs.

As if seeing things in slow-motion, I watched as Lucas jumped from the chair he was sitting in and run to his Dad. I could see everyone’s lips moving, but the buzzing in my ears prevented me from hearing a word they said. On shaky legs, I got up from my chair and turned around just in time to see Conner pick up his six-year-old son from the ground.

Unlike Lucas, who had completely changed since I saw him last, Conner was exactly the same. He was still tall, dark, and insanely handsome but with a few light patches of gray on his head. It made him look even sexier than I’d remembered. His smile, as he embraced his son was contagious, and like a lovesick girl. I watched them interact in awe. Only being around the two for seconds, I could tell that Conner was an amazing Dad to this boy who idolized him so.

Before I had time to pull my gaze away, Conner released Lucas to the ground and ask the nanny to get him ready for the day. Once they were out of the kitchen, he turned his gaze to me.

A crooked, unreadable smirk curled up on his lips as his dark blue eyes traveled slowly from my Jimmy Choo’s all the way up to my green eyes. His gaze had a kind of intensity I never witnessed before—at least, not directed at me. It was almost as if his eyes could touch me and I felt that touch everywhere. I felt it on my arms, legs, my neck, and especially, on my nipples and in between my thighs.

For the first time in my life in a public setting, I felt moisture gather at my center and soak the thin fabric of my panties. Sure, I had made out with boys in the past, but none of them had ever made me feel as hot and bothered as Conner was doing at this very moment.

What the hell was my issue? Only a few minutes in and Conner already had the strongest effect on me. My cheeks warmed and flushed a bright red as I pressed my thighs together to find some relief.

Needing something to focus on other than the completely surreal reality I was living in, I cleared my throat and said, “Hi, Conner.”

Very smooth Chloe.

Without breaking our eye contact, he took a deep breath and then opened those perfect lips. “Ch-lo-e Jones, I’ll be damned.”

A shiver ran down my spine at the way his tongue lingered on the lo of my name, and I couldn’t help but smile. With a sideways grin, Conner ran a hand through his dark brown hair and took a few steps in my direction. The closer he got, the stronger the scent of alcohol and a hint of women’s perfume that emanated from him became. Even though it was evident to me that he just left from the presence of another woman and wasn’t in his right mind, the attention I was getting and the glimmer in his eyes was like air in my lungs after being underwater for so long.

Conner came to a stop right in front of me and clicked his tongue. “Alex said you were taller, but he failed to tell me what a beautiful woman you’ve become.”

I pulled a deep breath through my mouth and grew a bit taller in my spine. My new posture made my boobs stick out a bit and, I could see Conner forcing his gaze away from my ample cleavage. I smiled.

“Even though I’m twenty-two, I think he hasn’t noticed that I’m not a little girl anymore,” I informed him honestly.

“He was always the smarter one,” he said cryptically as he peeled his eyes from me and walked toward the coffee maker shaking his head.

Confused, I just stared at him. Deep down, I could feel that there was some secret meaning behind Conner’s words and though a part of me wanted to ask him what he meant; a bigger part decided that I shouldn’t. This was supposed to be a job interview, and I’d restrained myself from Conner for so long - it only felt natural to continue hiding my feelings now.

“In that case, you’re in luck,” I started in a playful tone while still hoping to guide the conversation to a more business appropriate subject. He looked at me over his shoulder and smirked. I took a deep breath and continued, “I’m just as smart as he is—maybe even a little smarter. I’ve always wanted to work at Blackwater Resort, and I know I’ll be the best administrator the place has ever had. I promise you that.”

Conner stared at me with a surprised expression for a few more seconds. Then, he picked up his coffee cup and strutted toward the kitchen table. “That’s a big claim.”

“I know, but it’s still true,” I said firmly, finally feeling my usual confidence return.

With a smirk, he nodded at the chair in front of him. “Sit down and tell me why, then.”

And I did.


As soon as Chloe’s car disappeared between the trees, I rushed upstairs to my bedroom and crossed the hallway leading to my room in record time so I wouldn’t bump into my son. I knew he was excited to go riding and so was I, but I desperately needed a shower.

There was no denying that after my night with the blonde from the bar I smelled like sex and cheap perfume. However, that smell wasn’t nearly as bad as the scent of guilt that lingered on me after my meeting with Chloe.

Removing my clothes, I crossed my bedroom and made a beeline for my shower. Not even bothering with the hot water, I cranked the cold all the way and stepped underneath the massive rainwater spray. The cold water fell onto my skin like needles, but I didn’t dare to warm it up. I needed the cold and the sobering effect it provided.

“What the fuck did I just do?” I muttered to myself as I thought back on conversation with Chloe.

The interview went great. In fact, it was the best interview I could remember. She was competent, confident, and devoid of bullshit, which was how I liked my administrators. For those reasons, I had no doubt that ours would be a very successful partnership. There was only one problem with me hiring her - and I could feel it pulsing between my legs.

Never, not even in my wildest dreams had I imagined that the shy, awkward teenager I had once known would turn into this vixen with perfectly round hips, full tits, and the face of an angel. To top everything off, she was smart, funny and interesting in a way most women I came across weren’t. She was one of those whole package women, except that she wasn’t. She couldn’t be.

At least, not for me.