Prepare me? Shit. “Your father?” All the wind was let out of me as she gave me a pleading look and hurried to the door.

She stopped and glanced back at me before swinging it open. “Daddy!” She was all smiles for the old man, and I knew the mood was sure to turn sour the moment he realized he wasn’t her only guest. I had a feeling he was being tricked the same as me.

“How’s my little girl? I’ve missed seeing that smile.” I rose as Mr. Dean entered the room and as he stepped around the corner and met my eyes his smile barely faltered, but tightened enough to let me know it was forced.

It was as if all the air had suddenly been sucked out of the room as she made the introductions. “Daddy, you remember Duncan Kelley.” Her voice wilted on the last syllable of my name, and he gave a curt nod in my direction as he extended his hand. I took it giving him a firm grip.

“Of course. How could I forget?” His tone implied he’d surely tried and though she offered him a seat beside me, he took the chair across from me. “I was sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. She was a delightful woman, much like your sister in that regard.”

“Thank you. It’s been an adjustment for Shauna and me both, but we’re leaning on each other and staying strong.” I smiled at Rachel, and she seemed to relax a bit. I wasn’t convinced.

She steepled her fingers as if saying a prayer that we play nice. “Dinner is almost ready, so I want to go and cut a fresh salad. I think you two could catch up a bit.” She hurried out of the room, and the two of us remained silent for a moment as we stared at everything but each other.

“You’ve been seeing my daughter again. That must have been your sister’s doing.” He tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair and then leaned forward, pouring himself a drink from the selection Rachel had placed on the coffee table before our arrival.

I stayed still, my posture so straight my back was screaming, but I dared not dip my chin or slouched. I wasn’t the child he’d sent away. “Yes, she did have something to do with us reconnecting, but as it turns out, I’m still very much in love with Rachel.”

He pulled his lips into a tight line and his jaw twitched slightly. “I’m sure she’s still equally fond of you or else she wouldn’t have bothered putting us all in this awkward situation.”

“With all due respect, sir, I’m not the one who made it awkward.” I had mowed the man’s yard, washed his cars, and done every other odd job around his house for nothing more than a thank you when Rachel’s mother had passed, and when I fell in love with his daughter, suddenly I wasn’t good enough. He’d been the only father figure I’d had after losing my own so young. Instead of welcoming me like I’d expected like he’d done all those years before, he’d treated me like a stranger.

“You’re right. I did. But if you’re hoping for an apology you’ll be waiting a long time. My daughter needed to live her life, you knew it as well as I did. You didn’t even fight me on it. You went right along with it. I know you villainized me and used me as your scapegoat the first moment you could.”

“Because I had respect for you and I knew you’d only get in the way, and things would be a mess. I didn’t want to drive a wedge between you two. You were the only parent she had.” I shifted in my seat and leaned forward. “And yes, I knew she deserved to follow her dreams, but not your dreams for her— her own. I encouraged that before I left, and I’m glad she stuck with it.”

He leaned forward. “Yet, here we are. Who knew respect had an expiration date.” He sipped his drink and swallowed it with a scowl.

“So, you still don’t want me with your daughter? Even though she’s a grown woman and chooses who she loves, you’d rather he be with someone else?”

Rachel came through the door. “I didn’t invite the two of you here to argue. Neither of you have a choice in what I do with my life, so your opinions of each other are moot.”

I stood up and took her hand. “I’d like to still respect you, Sir, but I’m not some kid you can send away, and as long as she wants me in her life I’ll be here.”

“I just wanted a nice evening with the two men I love most in the world. It’s not like you are strangers, dammit, you’ve known each other all my life. I’d think you’d have something else to talk about but my welfare.” She pushed my hand away and stormed to the kitchen.

“There’s that fire I’d hoped to see.” He sipped his drink casually and then turned a glance my way. “Well don’t just stand there, go after her.”

“You’re giving me your blessing?” The man was impossible but then a smile spread his lips, and he nodded.

I made it to the kitchen just in time to find Rachel pulling her lasagna out of the oven. Her lip was curled in anger as she spun around. “Are you two done posturing?”

I closed the distance and pulled her close. “He gave his blessing.”

She relaxed in my arms and tears filled her eyes as she looked up at me. “I was so hoping he would. I wanted everything to be perfect. Now— well, now I suppose it is.” She brought her mouth to mine, and I walked her back against the counter.

“Yes, it’s finally perfect, and after dinner, once he leaves us alone, I still plan on peeling you out of that pretty dress.”

Her eyes flashed, and she gave me a devilish grin. “Then I better serve it while it’s hot.”

I helped her carry everything to the table, and after a moment her father joined us. We sat talking about future plans and old times. We shared so many memories, the three of us, and as I caught her exchanging smile between us both, seeing

the happiness it brought knowing we finally had his approval, I was ready to make more.


“Your stuff can’t go on this side!” I called out to him as he went to get the last of the boxes marked bedroom. I raked my hands through my hair and pushed Duncan’s shirts against the opposite wall of the closet.

We’d spent the entire day moving things into our new house, and even Shauna and Harris had stopped by the lend a hand. Shauna had helped me unpack and sort through our kitchen utensils, and since we had two of most things we’d created quite the donation box. Harris helped Duncan and a couple of the guys from his personal security office unload the heavy furniture. Since we had plenty of space and three bedrooms, we’d kept all of it and even bought us a new king size bed with the biggest headboard I’d ever seen for the master.