“I’m sorry too. I flew off the handle.” She raked her hand through my hair and kissed me, inching herself closer.

“Well, was that it?”

“Not by a longshot. Brock sabotaged me at every turn, making it impossible to get any work done around all the things that needed to be changed and of course, Star left for her dressing room, completely pissed. He followed after telling me that there might not be a video now and if I ruined things with my incompetence, he wasn’t going to pay me.”

“He went to her dressing room?”

“Yes, and they were still in there when I left. I sent everyone home. I know they deserved an early day after that circus.”

“You deserve better too.” I pulled her into my lap and stroked her back as our mouths mingled and I was more certain than ever I’d get something on Brock Reed if it was the last thing I’d do.


The nightmare continued on set when I returned the day after Star and Brock’s tantrums and apparently whatever they did to work things out it hadn’t worked.

The music from her video was blaring as she did a walk-through of the scene and since Brock was also directing the two were snapping each other’s heads off. But that wasn’t the worst thing that happened.

Once they got back into filming and things were finally going well, Star threw a ring into the air, and it hit the fake stone façade and set off a chain reaction that ended with chunks of plaster falling into her blue-tipped hair.

Her scream ripped through the music, and the sound man turned it off. “Are you fucking for real? This is my hair, dammit! It takes hours.” She stomped her bare feet around the stage, and I waited for her to fling herself to the floor and beat her fists, she was so pissed off.

I hurried onto the stage and surveyed the damage, but she wasn’t done bitching. She waved her arms and Brock hurried to her side along with the makeup artist who was picking little flecks of plaster from her hair and face.

Brock shot daggers in my direction. “How long is that going to take to fix? If it sends me over-budget, I’m taking the cost out of your sweet little ass.”

My temper flared, but before I could speak, Brock turned and started in on Star. “And you, get your shit together and let’s not worry about our fucking hair.”

I glanced down to see Patrick was standing near as if he didn’t like the tone Brock was taking with her. She walked over to where he was, and the two exchanged a smile. At that moment, something flashed in Star’s eyes and she and Brock exchanged a quick glance. It was as if there was something happening right before my nose, but I wasn’t privy to it. Like some secret that only the two of them knew, but then she turned back to Patrick and gave him a wink as she straightened the corset of her costume.

I called my team together and put them to work on the patch job and went to the back hoping to find that we still had the paint we needed. A few of the team members, including Jefferey, were mumbling under their breaths, but I didn’t have time for it. I made sure I was right in the middle of the repairs, taking full responsibility as needed.

Fifteen minutes later, things were back in place, and Star was on her mark. The music was blaring, and she was dancing around the set. When it came time to toss the damned prop again, I held my breath, but this time it was her catching ability that stopped things. Brock even went so far to call her a clumsy bitch under his breath within my earshot. Finally, after five takes, she caught the damned hoop.

After the first full run-through, Brock headed on stage and pulled her back behind a prop wall, and I saw him lean into her. Patrick was standing at the door where he belonged for the first time all morning, and I wished Duncan would arrive.

Something must have held him up at the office, and I leaned into Jefferey with a lifted brow. “Did they just kiss?”

“Mhm. Those two are so full of hormones today that I’m about to get a hot flash.” He glanced over to Patrick and then lifted his shoulder. “Guess that one’s not as hot as he looks.”

Five minutes later Brock called things into action, and it was then that I got a short message from Duncan who was running late, but wanted me to know he loved me. The sentiment made me smile, and as I enjoyed that moment of perfection, Brock suddenly yelled cut.

The music came to a halt. I knew by the end of it that I’d never want to hear another bubblegum pop song for the rest of my life.

Brock stormed the stage cursing and got in her face, and she stomped away a moment later, grabbing Patrick and pulling him into her dressing room. Brock wasn’t having that, and he called for us to take a break and joined the two.

Duncan entered the side door a moment later, and I hurried to greet him. I knew we’d been careful not to put our affection on public display, but I needed him.

“Where’s Patrick?” His voice was thicker than usual.

“He’s in back with Star and Brock.”

Jefferey approached giving me a warning glare. “This could take a while.” But Duncan wasn’t having it. He pulled his phone from his pocket and headed to the back, leaving Jeffery and me standing there helplessly. I had no idea what to do, but I knew Duncan was not happy with Patrick and I wasn’t getting in the middle of him and his employee.

“Someone’s about to get fired.”

Suddenly, there was a commotion, and I hurried back with Jefferey on my heels. When I arrived in the hall, Duncan was holding his phone like a camera and aiming it into the room.

“You didn’t lock the fucking door!” Star screamed at Patrick and Brock was pulling up his pants.