I had decided I’d put the younger in his place, and salvage what was left of the working relationship. It was better for everyone, and even though I’d rather slap his smug face myself, Duncan’s war tactics weren’t exactly professional.

When I arrived on set, Jefferey met me with a big hug, patting my back and then pulling away to give me a scolding glare. “You promise me right now, face to face that you’ll never do me that way again.” We’d worked things out on the phone when I’d finally called him back, but I hadn’t given him the full explanation.

“You’re not going to be happy when you find out that there’s more to the story than my sudden illness.” I’d stuck to the story only because it truly had turned my stomach when Brock pulled me against him and kissed me.

His hand went to his hip and as he lifted his perfectly sculpted brow his eyes narrowed. “You lied to me?”

“No, I just didn’t tell you everything, but seeing that Brock’s not here and I need your advice, I better come clean.”

He glanced around and took my hand and led me to the back of the room to the offices. There was a private dressing room that no one had claimed and he shut us inside and stood with his back to the door as I took a seat in the only folding chair. “It’s something major isn’t it!”

I proceeded to tell him all about how Duncan and I had been seeing each other, leaving out my intimate details of course, but filling him in on how we were mending a decade’s worth of wounds. And then when I told him about what Brock had done, how he’d asked me to stay behind and cornered me behind the set I saw the anger flash in his eyes.

“He touched you?”

He sounded just like Duncan, but I wasn’t expecting him to freak out in quite the same way. “He kissed me. When I refused, he threatened my job and my reputation.”

“What an asshole, no wonder you left. You should have told me right away.” He crossed his arms and shook his head. “What is he going to do? You work for yourself, and as far as reputations go, this is Hollywood, no one gives a fuck about reputation or morals, and they’ll hire you just to hear your side of the drama. You’re safe.” He had a point, but I still wasn’t convinced.

“Yeah, I’m not really worried about it, turns out it’s not him Harris is interested in anyway, it’s his father who foots the bill that he’s got his eyes on. I’m more concerned about me and Duncan. We had an awful fight about it.” I wrapped my arms around myself and stared at the floor.

“What does he have to say? I bet he wasn’t thrilled with Brock Reed one bit.”

“No, he wasn’t. I’m sure he’s still plotting the guy’s death, but when I told him I was worried about what would happen, he totally turned into my father. He acts like if it’s going to be a problem then I should just say fuck it and walk away from my job and let him take care of me.”

“On no, he didn’t.” Jefferey let out a long breath and rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, he did. Can you believe that?”

Suddenly Jefferey’s demeanor changed, and he bobbed his head back and forth as if seeing both sides. “I can see why he’d react that way. He loves you and wants to be the one to take care of you.”

“You mean he wants to force me into an apron and have me fix him a sandwich.” I huffed. “It’s kind of insulting to suggest I just up and quit.”

“I don’t think he was saying that at all, I think he was just trying to say he has your back, and that it was something you didn’t have to dwell on or worry about.”

I stopped and let the words process and let loose a sound of frustration.

“Then why not say that instead of acting like my career means nothing.”

“Again, I’m not sure that was his intent. He just wanted to be your champion. Can’t blame a man for that, it should be in his nature. ”

But then I realized that jumping to conclusions wasn’t all I’d done.

“Oh, Jefferey, it was much worse than that.” I covered my mouth and held my palm flat against my chest. Jefferey stepped forward and pulled me into his arms.

“You’ll work it out.”

“I threw our past in his face on his way out. I was angry, and he wasn’t telling me what I wanted to hear. It was like arguing with my father all over again, and I didn’t want him to leave. I haven’t seen him since. I think he’s done with me and I’m not sure I blame him.”

“Then you need to go to him and make it right, and you will. I’m sure he’s missing you as much as you’re missing him.”

I hoped he was right. I couldn’t live without him again. All those years, all that time I’d put my entire life and soul into my work, I was just a shell of myself, empty without him.

Jefferey left me alone with my thoughts a moment, and then I returned to work waiting to see Duncan, but he never showed.

By lunchtime, when he wouldn’t pick up his phone, I was beginning to worry, and I went out to see if Patrick knew where he was. When he shrugged and said he had no idea, I began to sweat. Maybe he was done with me and the job.

Panic coursed through me as I dialed Shauna. His sister surely knew what was up with him.