The two of us dove into the water from the small porch of our hut and swam out into the ocean. I looked over and saw Kevin’s vacation home in the distance. I saw him bobbing up and down in the water while Daniel and Sydney were having a blast sliding down the waterslide. Soon the current was pushing us over to their side of the beach.

“Hey there, stranger!” Morgan said.

I shot her a look as Kevin whipped around.

“Fancy seeing you out here,” he said, with a grin.

“The kids look like they’re having fun,” I said.

“They love that waterslide. I knew they would when I found the house.”

“I wish I had a waterslide like that growing up,” Morgan said.

“You can go down it, if you’d like,” Kevin said.

“Oh, hell yes,” Morgan said. “See you losers later!”

I shook my head as my friend swam off to go indulge her inner child.

A cheeky grin slid across Kevin’s face as he looked me over. It was all I could do not to blush from head to toe under the weight of his gaze.

I utterly hated how he could do that to me.

“Did you catch the sunrise this morning?” he asked.

“I did. It inspired me to write a whole new paragraph in a book that’s going nowhere.”

“One paragraph is better than nothing.”

“But it isn’t nearly the kind of pace I’m used to. I haven’t been blocked like this since my freshman year of college.”

“What did you do then to get rid of it?” he asked. “Maybe it’ll work this time.”

“I don’t think drinking and fucking is really something I can afford to indulge right now.”

I turned my eyes up toward his and saw him staring down at me. His eyes were darkening, shadowed with the thoughts running through his head. I knew that look. I’d seen it many times during the three months we spent together.

The blood was rushing through my ears, drowning out any sounds as his eyes danced between mine. I had to get out of his trance. I had to pull myself away from him. I couldn’t allow myself to fall for him again.

If he didn’t have time for me before, two kids weren’t going to make it any easier.

I cleared my throat and pulled my gaze away, breaking the moment. I watched Morgan come down the slide with her hands in the air, followed quickly by the two kids. They were splashing around and dunking her, and Morgan was going along with it, faking like she couldn’t get away as the kids roared with laughter.

“She’s always been good with kids,” I said.

I saw Kevin’s eyes whip over to the shoreline. He started waving at someone and began walking toward the shore, leaving me behind to bob with the waves.

Guess some things never changed.

I swam up to Morgan coming down the slide again. The kids latched onto me this time, swimming around me and splashing me with their tiny little hands. The four of us played in the clear waters while Kevin talked with someone on the shore, then I heard my name being called out.

I turned and saw Kevin motioning to me before he yelled at me to bring the kids.

Who does he think I am?

His fucking nanny?

Morgan’s eyebrows hiked all the way to her head as I took the hands of his children. I swam to shore with them and we came out of the water.