The look on my face must have told all and Jefferey, like usual, had something to say. “That woman is known for taking up with her security, and she’s dated three of her guards in the past two years.”

I snapped my head in his direction. “That doesn’t help to know.”

“Please, he’s not into her. The way he kept looking at you, he wanted to see your reaction.”

“Yeah, right. He knew it was pissing me off and he liked it.” I knew something about Duncan that Jefferey didn’t: his reputation for being with lots of girls. Besides, there was no denying that she, with all of her flashy clothes and wild hair, looked even more stunning next to his strong, dark, tatted self.

The burning I’d had earlier was now an inferno in my gut.


I’d had a week to think about things between Rachel and me, and after that display Star had put on, putting me in a situation I was forced to tolerate because of my job, I knew I’d have to make things right with Rachel.

She’d had daggers in her eyes for the pop star, and I can’t say I could blamed her much, especially after what happened with her father. I was still upset that she hadn’t just gone ahead and told her father that I was back in the picture, but then again, I remembered what an intimidating SOB he could be. Maybe she’d been right, and it hadn’t been the time, especially considering what I’d been doing to her.

I’d dreamed of her orgasming beneath my mouth over and over throughout the week, and had given myself pleasure at the thought of it. Now, though, it was time to make things right between us. I needed to apologize.

I went to her place with the intentions of getting everything sorted out and was worried that what happened with Star on the set was going to put up another wall between us.

Rachel came to the door with a wary look. “Where have you been all day? Screwing that blue-haired demon?” She left the door open as she stepped away and I walked in behind her and shut the door.

“That’s not how it is. I was doing my job, and nothing more. I didn’t even eat with them. I run a professional business.” Her upturned nose told me she wasn’t buying that so I stepped close, pinning her against the coffee table. One step backward and she was going down. “I came to work things out.”

She stared up at me with those big green eyes which were so full of disdain that I took a step back. “Why would you want me when you could have the pretty pop princess instead?” She shrugged her shoulders and held her glare.

“Because I’ve only ever loved one woman, and that’s you.” I kept my eyes steady, unwavering, just like my love for her had been all those years. It had been buried deep but had never ceased.

“You’ve been away from me for years—”

I held out my hand and in it was the journal I’d kept about her. All of my thoughts and dreams, the things I’d wanted to say. They were all in there.

Her brows pinched tight, and she took the book from my hand. “What’s this? You keep a journal of all your conquests?”

“You’re the only girl between those pages. I kept it with me through all the lonely times while I was deployed. And anytime I had a big mission, I’d write to you. I wasn’t sure if anyone would find it if I was blown to bits, but I had to get the words out. It was the only way I could. I missed you every single day. Read it, and you’ll know exactly how I feel about you and that no matter what a fool I’ve been in the past, I’ve never, not for a moment, stopped loving you.”

She opened the book and read through the pages, and then she stepped around the table to the couch where she sat and pulled her feet up. I sat next to her as she poured through the pages, holding one hand against her heart. She came to an entry that she read aloud.

“Tomorrow I’ll be walking into hell. I fear that this night might be my last and even though I’m lost in nightmares, my hope for you is that you found your dream. Only sweet dreams for you, Rachel. Remember the time we camped out in the backyard?”

She turned her face up to mine and smiled. This was just before her father found out we were a couple and stopped her from sleeping over with my sister. She glanced back down and continued reading.

“I dream of that night more than any other. I held you close in that sleeping bag and kissed you goodnight wishing that every night could be spent the same way only so I could wake up next to you every morning. I know I’ve stolen that from myself, and even though I’ll lay down alone tonight, I will remember how warm and peaceful you were pressed up against me, how your scent had been my air, and the rise and fall of your breath the motion that had rocked me to sleep. And if this night is my last, the memory of that moment alone, will have made my entire life worth living. I love you, Rachel, now and always.”

Her voice broke on the final line, and she slowly closed the book and turned to me with tear-soaked eyes. “I thought of that same night many times as well.”

“I didn’t want to make you cry.” I held her cheek and wiped away her tears with my thumb and leaned in to kiss her soft lips.

She slipped her arms around my neck and pulled away. “Who knew you were the journaling type?” She wiped her eyes and took a calming breath.

“I guess I can break the stereotypes too.” I shrugged as she laughed and then I pulled her back close. “I’ve missed you so much, and I’m sorry I was angry about your father. I just held a grudge for so long, and it wasn’t his fault. I should have taken my own actions, and I guess I’ve been mad at myself about it all this time.”

“Then let’s not waste another minute worrying about it.” She melted against me, and I lay back pulling her with me, her long slender body stretching out across me.

I trailed my hand down her side and up into her loose-fitting t-shirt. One hand cupped her breast, and that same thumb that wiped her tears, brushed against her soft nipple, feeling it tighten at my touch. I growled against her mouth and kissed her deeper, bucking my hips up against her soft cotton yoga pants, against her slender hips right to her center and that little mound of hers.

She let out a moan and then pulled back to meet my eyes. Her hips moved against mine, and though her desires remained unspoken, I knew what that sultry, hungry look was telling me.

“Are you sure you want this, Rachel?” I ground my erection against her urging her to reciprocate.