I shook my head. “I want this to be about your pleasure. I want to make you feel good to show you how much I’ve missed my girl.”

She gave a little pout of frustration, and I smile wickedly before returning to my chore. I rubbed my fingers against her pussy, slipping them into her folds and stroking as deep as I could without tearing her and lapped at her little slit. Her clit was swollen to a tight bud, and when I closed my mouth on it, she came apart.

Her cries of ecstasy had me lapping relentlessly at her, not letting up until she was begging for mercy and her orgasm has finished. At one point, she screamed so loud I thought the neighbors might hear and was thankful she didn’t live in a townhouse like me, or worse, an apartment or someone would have been calling the cops.

“I’m sorry, it just feels so good.” Her face had flushed, and she was writhing beneath me like a wanton slut, but I knew better. She was perfect, and even if she didn’t know it yet, she was mine.

“You’re fine. Never apologize for showing your pleasure. It makes me so hot.” I leaned up to kiss her, and she locked her arms around my neck, taking my mouth deep, brushing her tongue against mine , but I wasn’t done with her yet. I wanted to give her more.

Suddenly, her phone let out a sound, and she sat straight up, pulling away to reach for her phone beside her bed. “It’s my father. He’s almost here!”

She got to her feet and reached down to gather her clothes. As I stood her eyes darted to my cock and she stopped rushing around and met my eyes. “I’m sorry. I wish we could finish. I wanted to—”

“It’s fine, I understand. I’ll go freshen up a bit, and you should get something decent on. I don’t want to look like we were up to no good when he gets here.” She bit her bottom lip and gave me a look that I knew all too well.

“It’s probably best

if you’re not here when he arrives.”

“Are you serious?” All this time and she was still letting her father dictate her life. “He may not have chosen your career, but it’s obvious he still has his thumb on you.” I shook my head and went back to her living room, and she followed me, no more than a step away.

“Duncan, don’t be angry, I just think it’s a bit too soon for—”

“For what? For us? Because I’m not on my fucking knees claiming you for you to slip away from me again and you better get used to this right now because I’m not letting your father get in my way again.” I parked myself on the couch, and she stared helplessly a moment before stepping up and grabbing my hand.

“Please, Duncan, don’t do this now. You have to go.” The look in her eye was a desperate plea, and I realized that while nearly eleven years had passed, she still had a lot of growing up to do.

“Fine, I’ll see you around.” I got up and stalked across the room to the door, but she came after me.

“What do you mean? Surely you understand. It’s not that I want to send you away, it’s just that my father won’t understand what you’re doing here.”

“And you’re not mature enough to tell him. Christ Rachel, you’re twenty-fucking-seven! Look, maybe this was all a huge mistake anyway. Like you said, we’re just strangers the two of us, right?” I searched her eyes, and she was still giving me that pleading glare.

“You proved me wrong. I’m not saying I don’t want you, I just need—Please, Duncan.” She was running out of time, and I shook my head. She was nothing more than a frightened girl, still worried about Daddy’s opinion of her. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t fucked anyone. It wasn’t to wait for me, it was preserve whatever purist idea her father had about her.

I turned and stalked out of the house without another word.


I knew Duncan would be upset, but I had no idea he’d let an entire week go by without even talking to me. I had seen him every day on set, but he hadn’t so much as looked at me across the crowd or walked over to say hi. A growing ache was burning in the pit of my stomach that he may have quit his job altogether, preferring to go back to how things had been before Shauna’s blindside, and it grew every minute he was late for work. I had even had Jefferey check outside while I rallied the team inside to get a move on.

“He’s not out there. You want to tell me what happened. You’ve been way down lately. Do I need to utilize my black belt and kick his ass?”

“You’re a black belt?” I had to stop and wonder if he was pulling my leg. Jefferey was very fit, but the only arts I’d imagined him learning were the kind you used a paintbrush for.

“Don’t look so surprised. I have two of them.”

“Well, Duncan’s a Navy SEAL.” I gave him a shrug, and he shrugged back.

“I’m not afraid of him. Not only could I disarm him , but I could put him to sleep with one quick jab from this perfectly manicured hand.” He gave me a wink, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Jefferey, you never cease to amaze me.” No truer words had ever been spoken.

“You still haven’t answered my question about what happened with you two, but I’ll let it go. Just remember, if he does show up, I’ve got my eye on him.”

“You’re making me wonder if we need security at all.” We shared a chuckle and about that time my phone rang. Jefferey had it again, and he passed it over with wide eyes.

I glanced at the screen to see that it was Star Summers’ manager. I hurried to answer the phone, and by the time she explained to me that she and Star were showing up on set, laughter erupted from the side entrance as well as the shouts from the paparazzi. I turned to see that it was Star Summers, and with her was Duncan.