“You have another chance now. Make it count. You can’t tell me that you don’t want her, that you don’t still love her.”

“It’s been years, Shauna. Things change. Look at us. I’m not with her because I didn’t want her wasting her life waiting on me. Not to mention, her father had a lot to do with it. So, unless he’s dead, there’s still that obstacle.”

“He’s alive and kicking, but he’s accepting that he can’t control Rachel’s life. Aren’t you surprised you didn’t find her in a courtroom somewhere? She’s made her life her own. She told me that you wanted her to follow her dreams. She’s done that, and now the only thing missing is you. Make it right, Duncan.”

“Maybe she’s still better off without me.” I ended the call and lay back on the bed with the phone resting on my chest. I’d let her go when I hadn’t really wanted to. I’d let her father convince me that her waiting was the worst thing she could do and though I agreed, that she shouldn’t sit around pining for me, I’d longed for her to wait for me. I remember all the years I’d sat around wondering who she was loving. If it had been one of the local guys, or perhaps some guy she met in college. It was a relief knowing that no one else had touched her like I had. Or was Shauna misinformed?

I hadn’t gone all the way with her. I was content to let her keep her virginity intact, to respect the fact that she was so young and not yet ready for that. My worst fear had been getting her pregnant, and so we’d been left with lots of petting and long make out sessions.

I hardened thinking about those times, those long, hot kisses, her soft tongue darting against mine, tasting like fruit gum. I still remembered her perfume, that soft, flowery scent like honeysuckle, the salt of her skin as I kissed down her neck.

I tugged down my shorts, gripped my cock, and thought of the night she’d let me touch her. Her breasts, those perfect swells, just barely a handful, and their tight little rosy tips, how she’d let me kiss them. I was as gentle with her as I could be, the urgency of wanting to be inside of her nearly drowning my good sense. It was all I could do not to let her put her mouth on my cock, even when she offered to.

Instead, I had rubbed her soft mound, the barely-there tuft of blonde that covered it had been as soft as a kitten and as I remembered the way she purred rubbing against me, her mouth never leaving mine. I’d never wanted anyone more since.

She’d grown up and filled out a bit more, just like I always knew she would, beautifully. I pictured myself kissing her. It’s what I should have done when she ran into me. I should have grabbed her and kissed her. She would have had something to be mad about then. I chuckled and stroked my cock as a tiny tear formed at the tip. I dragged my thumb across it and spread it around as I worked my hand down my shaft.

I used my other hand to tug my sac, to massage my balls, kneading them. It felt good to work them over, sweat beading on my brow. I rose from the bed, still stroking, as I went to the shower.

After setting the temperature of the spray, I stepped in, still holding my cock and lathered it up, imagining my hand against her soft little mound. I wanted to taste her, to lick that nectar from her little slit and let it melt on my tongue. I wondered how tight she’d be and imagined my cock sliding in, and how I’d break her apart. The sound of her little purring moans, how they were almost a whimper, her quiet little voice begging for more, knowing she would only go so far.

She’d shuddered beneath me as her pleasure overtook her, as I’d rubbed her slick juices all around her little clit. I remember her eyes widening as I tasted her, the heat rising to her cheeks and staining them with blush. I’d kissed her after, and she’d moaned then too as if to tell me she tasted herself.

I imagined if I had only gone further. If I’d given her my cock. I would have rubbed it all around that little, wet hole, coating my tip in her nectar and spread it all around before I buried it deep inside her tenderness. I’d have rutted deeper with each thrust, every single grind until I shot my load deep inside that tight little channel. I wanted to come inside her and fill her up only so I could pound it in.

My release shot out against the tile and was quickly rinsed down the drain. As I sank back against the shower wall, I knew I had to have her. The thought that anyone else might take her sent a growl of frustration through me. I did love her, I’d always loved her, and she was mine. I’d been a fool to let her go and now had to make it right.

I hurried out of the shower and didn’t bother drying off as I went to my phone and called Shauna.

She picked up the phone and before she could even finish saying hello I blurted, “What’s her number?”


My bath water was warm, the bubbles were high, and my wine was chilled to perfection. It would have been the perfect relaxing moment had I not been thinking of the day’s blind side. I loved Shauna, but I couldn’t believe she’d done it. We’d made a pact, and I understood that he was her brother, but that shouldn’t give her the pass to interfere. If I’d known he was living so close, that he hadn’t gone back into the military like I’d assumed after their mother’s death, then I would have maybe asked her more about him, maybe even asked for his number. And if I hadn’t, it would have been my choice.

Duncan and I had known each other for years, but he’d always mostly hung around the other older boys in the neighborhood and didn’t have much time for Shauna, his baby sister, and me. We were three years younger so to me he was just another smelly boy until I noticed t

he other girls noticing him.

We were about eleven and Duncan was fourteen when he had his first girlfriend, and it was only after that when I started noticing him in a different way. I’d wanted to be like those older girls, not only because their bodies were more developed, but because he was interested in them. I remember seeing Duncan around his house wearing nothing but sweats, and how he’d come in one day from seeing his girlfriend down the block. He was sweaty, his face flushed, and he had a raging hard on that was pitching out the front of his joggers. I had noticed immediately, and he caught me staring and gave me a wink. I felt the heat stain my cheeks, but later I noticed something else. I noticed that he started treating me differently.

He didn’t push me away like an extension of his little sister. Instead, he tried to strike up a conversation with me as if what I’d seen that day brought us to a whole different level. Not that he would ever touch me or kiss me, no, I was far too young, but it was like there was a special secret between the two of us; an understanding. And I didn’t stop noticing him from that day on.

It was painful watching him with the line of other, older girls. They were like cattle in a revolving stall, and when he started playing sports, it only got worse. He was one of the most popular boys in school and somehow, at the end of my freshman year, things changed.

It was like one day, Duncan had decided that I was old enough and interesting enough to garner his attention. My father had not been happy. When we’d first started dating, he’d had a fit. He didn’t like the idea of me being with someone older, someone who was surely more experienced in the ways of teenage lust. I’d convinced Daddy it was okay and that Duncan was respectable. I also assured him that with Duncan right next door, he could keep a close eye on him.

After that, my father did keep a much closer eye, and he stopped letting spend the night with Shauna. Fortunately for me, my father hadn’t figured out I was really hanging out with Duncan until the summer was already over.

It wasn’t like anything had happened with his sister around anyway. We’d stay up late watching movies with Shauna and would crash on the living room floor like always, except then he’d gravitate my way by morning.

Shauna was supportive from the start but warned me that her brother was a heartbreaker. I should have listened. By the end of my sophomore year, he ended things abruptly, harshly, and over the goddamned phone, and I wished I’d paid attention to her warnings.

My insides burned at the thought, my gut twisting in agony as if it were the very day it had happened. I took a deep breath realizing tears were streaming down my face. I quickly dried them and wondered if I’d wasted my whole life on him.

I’d only ever dated a few men since and that was in hopes that something would blossom and they’d replace Duncan in my heart, but it had been impossible. There was no replacing him.

Maybe it was because my only sexual experience had been with him and I had a hard time being intimate with the other men. Those few times I’d let someone touch me, hadn’t compared to the way I’d felt when Duncan had. He’d given me my first orgasm and managed it with only his fingers and no penetration. I’d been too afraid to go all the way, and he’d admitted that he was worried he’d get me pregnant, and that once he got going, he’d be unable to stop. It had been heaven with him, knowing- well thinking- that he’d loved me the same way I’d loved him.