I turned on the water and looked at her, her sassy little smile bright and her face flushed and panting from our sex, and I knew there was no reason to wait another minute to ask her what had been on the back of my mind since the day she’d taken me back.

I loved her. There was no question, and the things we’d shared, they were so intimate that I wanted to make her mine. Forever.

She stopped and touched my face. “Reed? Are you okay?”

“Marry me, Bella. Before the baby comes, please. Marry me?” We had discussed the subject of marriage only once, and that was to agree that it wasn’t something we wanted to rush into, so I wasn’t sure if she was going to agree.

It was the longest minute of my life. She seemed to search my eyes so long, and the expression on her face was unreadable, the tears could have meant anything as they pooled in her eyes and fell to her cheeks.

“Yes. If you’re sure, that’s what you want?”

“I love you. That’s all the reason I need.”

She fell against me, and our mouths met, sealing the deal. She pulled away and covered her mouth. “Oh, Reed, we’ll have so much to do for the wedding before the baby comes. But I want to do it as soon as possible.” She seemed worried like we might not get it done.

“Relax. Get Kayla to help you, and spare no expense.”

“I was thinking Vegas, but I won’t be able to travel in another month.”

“Then we’ll go as soon as you’re ready.”

“You mean it? Tomorrow?” She was so excited that she was practically jumping up and down and making me terribly nervous.

“Tonight, if you want.” I pulled her close and kissed her. “We have the whole world at our feet.”

“And funny enough, you’re all I need.” The words meant so much to me, and I knew that I’d chosen the right girl for me. We’d been through so much, but I knew we’d have forever.

“So what do you think you want to do with all your money?” I asked her when we were tucked into bed.

“Hmmm, I’ve been thinking that I might want to blow at least half of it on some killer shoes. Maybe some Jimmy Choo’s?” she giggled.

I knew that wasn’t her style, but I loved to hear her laugh so I entertained it. “Well then I’m calling Jimmy right now and telling him to get his ass to Phoenix.” I said and she laughed some more.

After a moment, I grew serious though. “Seriously though, you can do whatever you want with it. I meant it when I said it was yours.”

She looked at me and a smile spread across her face. “I don’t need it Reed, I have you and Jr. That’s enough for me.”

I knew that I was the luckiest man in the world; luckier than I deserved to be.

“I have a surprise for you,” I told her, reaching into the drawer of the night stand and pulling out some legal papers. I handed them to her and watched her face as she read them.

“Are these real?” she asked, tears springing to her eyes.

“They’re real,” I assured her.

I had purchased a gallery just for Bella to showcase her work and set aside a hefty sum of money for scholarships for local kids to be able to attend art schoo, and I’d put it all in her name.

“No one besides my mother has ever believed in me like this,” she said, wiping at her tears.

“Well, I do. I love you, Bella.”

And just like that, all was right in my world.

The End


A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance