or it. That I’d always wanted a baby and that I had had enough faith in Reed to try.

“I’d have said yes. But he didn’t ask.”

“And since you sent him packing, he’s miserable, Bella. Rick said he’s not eating, he’s not sleeping. He’s afraid you’re not going to let him see the baby too.”

The thought of strong Reed having a tough time was enough to tug my heartstrings, and I’d been very careful not to let myself feel sorry for him or miss him too badly. But it was hard not to have him there with me through it. When I’d learned I was pregnant, I’d been so relieved that he’d been excited and that he’d wanted the baby. I had wanted someone to go through it with me, someone to share the experience with, and Kayla hadn’t been my first pick.

“I’d never keep the baby from him. I’d like to see him, but I’m still angry. I don’t know if I can forgive him, Kayla. I want to, but I’ll always know he lied.” I wondered if that was why he’d never wanted me to know.

“Yes, he lied, and it was a total asshole move, but he loves you. And don’t forget that he signed all of that money over to you. In my opinion, he’s more than proven that he’s in this for the right reasons, regardless of how it all started out.”

I knew she was right and that my own stubbornness was making me as miserable as it was apparently making him.

“He’s inside waiting. You can be mad if you want, but I think you two should try and fix this. You love each other and this baby, boy or girl, is going to need both parents.”

I knew she was right, but it was hard to face Reed and not fall apart.

“I just felt it was only fair he be here for this.”

“You’re right,” I finally admitted.

I got out of the car and headed for the office, and sure enough, Reed was sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by other expectant mothers and staring at his shoes. He looked up and saw me from across the room and stood up, his hands wringing together.

“Bella. You look beautiful.”

My heart ached, and I wanted to hug him, but I couldn’t.

“Thanks.” I sat with him and kept quiet, and he and Kayla spoke a little back and forth as I signed in. They brought us right back, and I was confused why I hadn’t had to wait.

“You paid them to get me in sooner?” I let out a breath and held back a smile. Of course, he wouldn’t want to sit and wait any longer than he had to.

“It’s one of the perks of being wealthy, so get used to it.” He flashed an awkward smile as he followed me back.

“I’ve had to get used to a lot of things that were done without my asking.” I felt his hand in the small of my back and glared at him as if to warn him to get his hands off of me, while inside I wanted his hands everywhere. A slow ache throbbed in my core, as I’d been sex-starved for months since that last time together.

“I’m going to stay out here until you both know what you’re having, and then you can come and get me,” Kayla said, giving me a hug.

I went in and was laid back in the chair as the ultrasound tech pulled my shirt up over my belly and tucked it up under my breasts. Then he prepared the wand and got the jelly ready as Reed watched with a protective glare and he brought up images that we couldn’t make out. But Reed’s eyes really lit up when the baby’s heartbeat came through the machine. I realized he hadn’t heard it yet.

“Is that Bella’s heart?” he asked the tech.

“No, that’s your baby’s heartbeat, and this,” he pointed at the screen, “is your baby.” He snapped some images and typed something on the screen as Reed’s eyes ringed red.

He seemed so alone, as alone as I’d felt over the past four months. I reached over and took his hand. His eyes met mine as he squeezed my hand.

“Would you like to know the sex of the baby?”

We both answered with a blurted, yes, and then he laughed and told us the information we’d longed months to hear.

“It’s a boy.”

Tears fell from Reed’s eyes, and he leaned down and hugged me. “I love you, Bella. Thank you.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” I knew at that moment that I’d forgiven him.


Bella was sexier than ever while pregnant, and I was so glad that we had gotten back together where I could keep a protective eye on her. She’d gotten so round and off balance that I was afraid of her falling again and hurting herself or the baby.