“And you didn’t tell me because?”

“Because I didn’t want you to kill yourself getting here and I’ve been so tired.” She yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Besides, I had something else to tell you, and I wanted to tell you in person.”

She stared at the floor, and her hands wrung together like she was twisting a rag.

“Tell me.” I braced myself, wondering if it was what I’d longed to hear from her or if it was something else. It was the longest two minutes of my life as she gathered the strength to tell me.

“Reed, I’m pregnant.” She opened her eyes and found me smiling. A look of confusion washed over her.

“You are? You’re sure?” My chest swelled with pride, and I felt the relief of knowing my financial stability was intact for at least the rest of my life. I felt like I had everything all of a sudden; a wonderful girlfriend who I adored, my little heir in the oven, and my fortune to take care of us all.

“Yes. Are you really happy? I didn’t know if you would be.” She placed her hand on her tummy, and it hit me.

Fuck. She was carrying my baby. Mine; a life I created.

“I’m happier than I can even explain, right now, Bella. The happiest man alive.” I realized that it wasn’t about the money, either. It was about this amazing woman who was carrying a baby for us to love together for the rest of our lives. I realized I wanted to do that with her too. I wanted to be a father to this baby, and be the man my own father had never been.

I pulled Bella into my arms. “Are you happy, Bella?”

She let out a sigh. “I’m not sure what I am. I know it sounds horrible, but I’m scared to death. I know I wanted this in the past, but now I just wanted time for me...” she trailed off.

I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. “Are you saying you don’t want this baby?” I asked.

“No, Reed, I want it, I do. I just feel so confused. It’s not a good time for me is all I’m trying to say.”

I turned my back to her and walked away a few paces. She followed behind me and continued talking. “Reed, it’s all just happening so fast.”

“I need you to be completely honest with me, Bella. Tell me how you feel.” I was an inch from her face, and I could feel her breath with every heave of her breasts.

“I’m scared you’re going to realize how fast it is and leave me once the novelty of this wears off. Or that you’ll think I’ve done this to trap you. I swear I haven’t. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Her words were like a punch in the gut. I’d trapped her. I’d done all of this on purpose. I realized in that moment that I could never tell her or I’d lose her.

“I know you wouldn’t. I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Bella. I’m going to take care of you.”

She collapsed against me, and I lifted her up and took her into the bedroom where our brand-new mattresses were stacked in a corner ready for use. I stepped around the disassembled headboard. “Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me.”

“I’m sorry. I hurried them out when I twisted my ankle.”

I let out a long calming breath. “I’m glad you’re okay. You promise me, no matter what, that you won’t keep something like that from me again.” I hooked my finger into her shorts and tugged them down, and she put her hand on her tummy again and then met my eyes.

“I promise. We both do.” She smiled, and I dropped her shorts and crushed my mouth against hers, kissing her deep before trailing down to her breasts which I cupped over her shirt before I slipped my hand beneath it and found her nipples.

A moan escaped her mouth, and she rolled her hips upward. “Those are so sensitive. I think it’s the pregnancy.”

“I’m going to have fun knowing that.” I brought my mouth to one and suckled and then let my teeth drag along the underside of them and down to her tummy where I kissed the soft skin that would soon stretch for my baby.

“Do you want a son or a daughter?” She tilted her head and glanced down at herself.

“I’d like a healthy heir. That’s all that matters to me. They’ll be amazing like their mother and loved either way.”

“I feel the same, but I’m partial to the idea of a son. I’d like to have a little Reed running around,” she said.

I trailed my mouth down farther, and she squealed out in pleasure.

“Is this more sensitive too?” I pushed a finger into her already dripping slit.

She hissed out a breath and arched her back. “I hope you’ll like my new body. You should enjoy the skinny me while you can.” She made a face, and I wasn’t sure she was happy about the impending changes.

“You’ll always be sexy to me, Bella.” I pushed her shirt up, and she helped me slip it over her head. When I had her good and naked, I stood up, letting my gaze linger on her body as I undressed. “You’ll tell me if that ankle hurts, even if I’m about to come.”