“I’d like to help you get a place, too. One where I can come and stay with you.” I stroked my cock and heard her breath hitch on the other end of the phone. Then she made a sound of uncertainty, and I waited for her to say no.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. It’s all so new.”

“You need a place, and I have a boatload of money with nowhere to spend it.”

“It’s too much.”

I was growing frustrated and didn’t want a debate. “Bella, you’re going to let me do this for you.”


“Shh. Rub. Tell me how good it feels.”

“It does feel good, not as good as when you’re inside me, though.” Her tone had sweetened, and I could only guess that she was going to try and sweet talk me out of it. “Reed.”

“Tell me yes, Bella. Stop fighting me. It’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it. It’s only money.”

She let out a frustrated sound. “Well, it must be nice to have that attitude.”

“You’ll find that I’m much more agreeable when you give me my way. Say it, Bella, then come for me.”

“Fine. Yes. I’ll let you set me up in a place, but only if I get to help pay for it.”

That wasn’t about to happen. “We’ll negotiate later. Tell me how naughty you’ll be when I come for a stay.” I was on the ve

rge of release again.

“You’ll come for a stay and stay for a come?” She tried to laugh, but pleasure consumed her as she moaned through another release.

“Mhmm, see how much you like being agreeable?”

“Mm, yes. I’m going to be so naughty for you. I miss your cock in my mouth and the taste of your cum.” Her voice was so convincing that I quickened my pace and closed my eyes, imagining busting my load all over her pretty, smiling face.

“That’s a girl. Here I come, Bella.” I moaned as my cock exploded, shooting all over my chest in the process.

“Mm, that’s so hot. I do miss you, Reed. Will you come down and look for a place soon?”

“You can find something suitable, and I’ll approve. Make sure it’s nice, though, Bella. I don’t want my girl living in a dump to try and save me money. Only the best.”

“I don’t need much,” she argued. “Gavin kept all the big stuff, and I don’t want to fight him over anything. Besides, it’s easier to furnish something smaller.”

“I’m going to furnish it, Bella. Choose anything you like. I’m not kidding.”

“Fine, but the only reason I’m going to agree is that if things end between us, I won’t be any worse off. I’ll start with nothing, and I’ll leave with nothing.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Not if I can help it. And stop being so negative. You want it to work out, don’t you? Because we’re the only ones that can make this a success, and I don’t want to start out with doubts.”

She made another moaning sound, and I realized that she was still working herself. “You’re a naughty girl, Bella. You’re still rubbing that hot little pussy, aren’t you?”

“Yes, it feels so good. Will you come out this weekend?”

A slow smile spread my lips, and I’d hoped she’d want me to. “For you, I’d do anything.”

“Good, because I want you to be with me when I go apartment hunting. I don’t feel right spending your money with you not even there, and this way, there will be no reservations about the quality or the location. I’d feel much better about it.”

“Fine, and we’ll go look for some furniture too, preferably a big bed. Maybe something with a nice headboard where I can tie you up and fuck you.” She moaned and gave a little squeal, and I knew that the idea of it had pushed her over the edge of her next release.

“I almost feel guilty for feeling excited about it.” She was going to worry about the money until it drove us both mad.