She turned toward me, her beautiful eyes staring up at mine. I could see Morgan at the end of the driveway, staring at us and watching it all unfold. I allowed my thumb to trace circles on the top of her skin before I dropped her hand, and said her name.

Brooke never looked more beautiful than when she was bathed in moonlight.

“Yes?” she asked.

I drew in a deep breath and decided to jump right into the deep end.

“I know you’re writing a book, and that sometimes inspiration can strike at different moments,” I said.

“Sometimes, yeah.”

“You know where to find me if inspiration strikes. You can use the porch, or one of the rooms, or hide away in the loft.”

“That’s very kind of you, Kevin. Thanks,” she said.

“And if I had your number, I could get in touch with you. Like if the kids and I decided to go to another scenic part of the island. It might help get the creative juices flowing.”

“My number.”


“You want my number?”

“I do,” I said.

I watched her mull over the offer as I held my breath.

I was a confident man.

A strong man.

Dominant, even.

I ran my company with efficiency and never took ‘no’ for an answer.

But standing in front of Brooke and waiting for her answer made me feel like a kid trying to make amends for breaking a priceless family heirloom.

“Okay,” Brooke said. “Give me your phone.”

I handed her my phone and she quickly tapped her number into it. I grinned down at her, watching as she walked back to her best friend. The two of them linked arms before they started walking down the beach.

I watched until they disappeared from sight, then I looked down at my phone.

I had Brooke’s number.

And I fully intended to use it.

Her heart was clearly still broken from what I did, and her recent ex.

Now, it was my mission to mend it back together.



I always relished the stillness of the morning.

Though, as I sat at my laptop, a sense of dread came over me while I stared at the blinking cursor.