“No, I think it’s pretty amazing really. You think about things and you use your camera to see things on a deeper level. Most people take the world at face value, and half of them don’t even see or appreciate what’s right in front of them.” He tossed his last stone and turned to face me. “It’s like this place; my father didn’t understand why I liked coming here. He thought I was up to something, and I’ll admit there were a few times I came here to drink or make out, but for the most part, I spent more time here thinking and enjoying the sounds, smells, and the scenery.”

“Did you ever try to photograph it, or capture it?”

“No, that’s never been my thing. I think I’m content to let it be. It’s always here when I want to see it, and I like the way it fills up all my senses. If you close your eyes, you can smell the dirt.”

“And the fish.” I let loose a giggle, and he nodded.

“Exactly. It’s a full experience.” He grinned and put his hands in his pocket as if to keep himself from taking more pebbles from the ground.

Suddenly, the sky opened up and the rain fell hard and steady in fat drops. I held up my hands and laughed as he shook his head. “Here’s your full experience, Mr. Harrington.” I grabbed his hand, and as the rain grew heavier, we took off for the truck. He lifted me up and into the seat and then hurried in behind me as I scooted over. I situated in the seat, sitting by his side, and once he started the truck and aimed us toward home, he placed his hand on my thigh.

The rain poured down we ran into the house, both dripping wet. As the cold air hit my skin, I wrapped my arms around myself, and my teeth began to chatter.

He went to the couch across the room and took the heavy throw off the back and brought it to me. I went to take it, but he wrapped it around me and pulled me close. My face pressed into his chest as he rubbed my arms. “Let’s go upstairs and dry off and then I’ll order lunch.”

“Sounds good.” We walked upstairs, and I went to my room where I’d left my things, and after I had dried off I decided I better turn on my phone. I wasn’t worried about Gavin as much as I wondered if Kayla had tried to leave me a message about where she and Rick had gone.

Sure enough, my phone was full of texts and missed calls from Gavin, and I knew that I’d have to talk to him eventually. While in the shower, the phone started ringing and I hurried and shut off the water and wrapped a towel around me. I stepped out to see that it was Gavin, and I had a feeling, by the number of missed calls, that he was going to keep harassing me until I talked to him. I took a deep breath and answered, knowing things would get ugly, but prepared to handle him.

“Yes, Gavin?”

“It’s about time you answered your phone. I was about to call the police. I’m worried about you.” His tone was full of anger, and I knew him well enough to know the line about his concern was pure bullshit.

“I told you I was leaving you. It’s not like I’m a missing person. I’m trying to have some space, so this isn’t more difficult than it already is.” It wasn’t as difficult as he wanted it to be.

“Difficult? What’s difficult is coming home to find my house cleaned out and my fiancé gone after leaving me nothing but a note. A fucking note, Bella!”

“I didn’t have time to write a letter, Gavin. I’m sorry I didn’t end things to your satisfaction.” My voice was rising so that my throat was starting to tickle. I went to the counter and put the phone down, turning on the speaker so that I could rinse my mouth at the sink.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Precisely what it sounds like. I am sick to death of you putting me down. You might think you love me, Gavin, but be honest with yourself. You barely like me. Not to mention, I don’t like you when you’re critical of my talents and—”

“Talents? You point a fucking camera, Bella. It’s not like you’re making a living from that weak attempt at art. You’re making a huge mistake and acting like a little, spoiled bitch. Where are you?” I picked the phone up off the counter, and as I turned to walk out into the bedroom, Reed was standing in the room, his eyes were hard and focused on the phone as if he’d heard every word. His jaw was set and his fists where balled up at his sides.

I was going to take the call off speaker mode, but he snatched it from my hand as Gavin continued.

“Bella, I don’t know where you’ve gone, but I suggest you get your fucking ass back here before you regret it. We can still move forward together, and I’ll overlook this.”

“I’m not coming back!” I held my finger to my mouth as Reed opened his mouth as if to speak.

“You get your ass back here, Bella. I won’t have you make a fool of me to my family. I’ve defended you and entertained your useless pipe dreams.”

Reed couldn’t hold back any longer. “Fuck you, man. Bella’s not coming back to your abusive, sorry ass. And if you ever call her again, I’m going to show up on your doorstep and feed you your tongue.” Reed’s voice roared through the room, and his eyes were so red, so hard and focused, that I thought they might bleed.


“Who the fuck is that? So that’s what this is? You’re with someone else, you fucking slut! You’ll pay for this! Where are you?”

“You come near her, and you’ll be the one who pays. Stay away from Bella and forget you ever knew her.”

I tried to get the phone away from him so he would stop, but when Gavin hung up, Reed threw the phone on the bed.

“Why did you do that? Now he’ll think I cheated on him.”

“Who cares, you’re done with him, right? You’re not thinking about going back?”

“Of course, I’m not, Reed! I just don’t need him slandering me to everyone because he thinks I was unfaithful.” I hadn’t wanted to hurt him that way, either, but I wasn’t going to tell Reed that. He would take it the wrong way.