Reed was standing in the crowd looking at his truck like he wanted to murder someone. I was worried that he would go off on her and be relentless in his fury, but he just stood quietly, his chest heaving. His lips peeled back in a snarl as he watched Rick hold Kayla, whose eyes had gone wide. She’d stopped kicking and fighting long enough to survey the damage she’d done to the truck, which was pretty bad.

She looked over to Reed with big tear-stained eyes, and all the man did in return was growl, like a wild dog about to pounce.


I stood there looking at my truck and trying to understand how one crazy bitch with a high-heeled shoe could do such damage.

“I’m sorry.” Rick’s girl was repeating the words over and over, but it wasn’t registering. I’d bought the truck a year ago specifically for us to use on rodeo trips and I’d spent a great deal of time and money putting in all the bells and whistles. I’d only let Rick drive it because he’d been begging me.

Rick shook his head and stared down at his feet. “Fuck, Reed. I’m so sorry, man.”

A tall, thin guy I’d seen in the bar came running over. “Hey, man, that chick across the lot called the cops. Thought you should know.”

“The cops?” Kayla’s eyes filled with more tears and sure enough about that time, they rounded the corner.

I turned to look at Rick. “Keep her quiet; I’ll handle it.” I knew most of the policemen on the force and had grown up with several of them. Everyone knew my family too. Having money buys certain favors, and I was about to call one in.

The officer, a guy I knew named Lonny, got out of the car and walked up shaking his head. “I thought the description sounded a bit familiar. I’d know that truck anywhere,” he held out his hand. “Looks like you pissed someone off.”

I let out a long breath. “Yeah, that’d be Rick’s problem.” He glared at Kayla who shrank back against her friend who put her arm around Kayla as if to hold her up.

I cleared my throat. “Would you mind letting me handle this on my own? I’m sure she’s sorry and prepared to compensate.” The cop looked to Kayla who wiped her eyes and nodded.

“Well, it’s your property and no one was hurt, so I was never here. Good luck.” He patted Rick on the back and then went back to his car, shaking his head and laughing.

“I’m sorry,” said Kayla as the cop pulled out of the lot.

“Someone’s going to pay for this.” I straightened my back and went to stand over the two girls. I knew my size was intimidating to most, and though Kayla shrank back even farther, her friend straightened, lifting her chin as if to show me she didn’t think much of my show of power.

“I’ll take care of it, man. I’m sorry,” Rick said before turning to Kayla. “That bitch was lying back there, you have to believe me. I’ve been home online with you every night. When would I have had time to see, much less fuck, someone else?”

Bella turned to face her friend. “Maybe he’s actually telling the truth, Kayla. You’ve had too much to drink, and you let your emotions get the best of you. Maybe you should sober up a bit before making a big decision.”

She turned to give me a look that said “back off my friend,” and I couldn’t help but be taken by her beauty. I’d thought that Kayla would arrive with some random girl in tow, but instead, Bella was an angel—an absolute goddess. And knowing my predicament, I couldn’t help but wonder if she might just be the answer to my prayers. Yes, it was a fucking crazy idea to expect her to have my baby, especially since I’d been kind of a moody dick so far. But Rick had said that Kayla was asking about a friend for Bella, so maybe it wasn’t such a long shot. I almost faltered, but seeing her staring at me so defiantly turned me on. This girl was nothing like the airheads I’d been bedding. I wanted to see how far I could push her. “Seems to me she let her anger get the best of my truck.”

“Your stupid truck can be fixed,” she snapped, and I almost smiled at the flash in her eyes. A heat started to build low in my gut.

“Oh, it will be, but I’m not going to let my friend pay for her little tantrum.”

“It’s not a problem, man,” Rick said, but I gave him a look that said he needed to let me handle it. He nodded as if he understood.

“No, she did this, and she will pay, but I think instead of getting the police involved, a call to my lawyer is due.”

“Please, I’m so sorry. I don’t have the money to fix it, but I’ll get it, I swear,” Kayla begged.

“You’re going to make her pay?” Bella asked incredulously. “Your friend already offered to take care of it. Kayla shouldn’t have attacked your truck, but she was also provoked and you know it. You’re only doing this to assert your authority, and it’s a total asshole move.”

“Wait, what? My truck just got scratched all to shit, and I saved her from jail, but I’m the asshole?” I was starting to get a pissed all over again.

“You know very well what you’re doing.” Bella crossed her arms and stepped forward, coming toe-to-toe with me.

“Are you challenging me? Perhaps you’d like to take care of things? As a matter of fact, I insist.”

“What? Bella shouldn’t be held responsible.” Kayla went up to Rick and looked up at him with her big round eyes, and he gave me a pleading look.

“How about you just worry about making this up to Rick, and I’ll make a deal with Bella.” The girl was standing too close to me, her eyes like daggers piercing my soul, and once my words registered, she lifted her shoulder.

“Why should I bargain with you?” She tilted her head to the side but kept her gaze on mine.