“I don’t think you’re going to be helpful. My kid will end up with a stripper for a mother if I let you help. I need someone who’s going to have her own life and talents in an industry that’s not going to tarnish my kid’s life or my family name. My uncle will shit a solid gold brick if I bring some pole dancer into the family, although I’m sure that’s what they all expect. That would probably explain why I never even heard of this baby clause from my uncle’s mouth.”

“Fine, then, use the rodeo to clear

your mind. You’ll start shooting blanks if you’re all stressed out.”

Great, something else I had to worry about. What if I couldn’t have kids?

“I’ll be there,” I finally said with a sigh.

But not before I made an appointment for a sperm count.

Fuck my life.


As our plane landed, Kayla reached over and grabbed my hand.

“Thanks so much for coming. I’m not sure I could have gotten through this without you.”

I rolled my eyes. She meant the two shots in the airport bar and whatever pill she’d popped in the bathroom that she’d sworn was prescription.

I squeezed her hand back and smiled. “I’m glad I could help.” What I was really glad about was that I had gotten all my things out of the house earlier that morning, and by the time Gavin got home from work, I’d be landing in Dallas, too far away to deal with any of his bullshit.

“We should have planted a secret camera so we could have seen his face when he realized that you’re gone for good.”

I had to admit that I would pay money to see that.

“I told him I was leaving, and he’s tried to be a sweetheart the past few days thinking I’d change my mind, so, yes, he’s going to be pissed. I did manage to cancel all the wedding plans and secured refunds for all but two things I paid for. It was the least I could do for calling off the wedding. Take that expense and add it to the plane ticket and I’m strapped.”

“I’ll take care of you. Besides, the room is paid up. Rick hated that I insisted on us staying at the hotel but agreed to pay for it. I know he’s going to want us to stay with him. He’s got a huge house, but I thought you’d be more comfortable in our own space.”

I had to agree, especially since she’d never met the guy. What if they met and the chemistry they had online wasn’t there in person? Or worse yet, what if the guy was a big creep?

“It’ll be all right. I needed this. I didn’t want to be there when Gavin got home, which should be any minute. I’ve got my phone turned off, so he shouldn’t be able to reach me. I want him to have some time to let it all sink in.”

“Then let’s forget all about him. I’m so nervous that I’m about to see Rick for the first time. How do I look? Be honest.”

“You’re gorgeous, and he’ll be crazy if he doesn’t think so.”

We gathered our things and left the plane. After our luggage pick up, we went to wait in the bar, against my better judgment. Kayla ordered a cocktail and sipped it as we waited for Rick to arrive.

I busied myself listening to an old man who was in the middle of telling the bartender dirty jokes and had a crowd laughing around him. Kayla screamed as he delivered the punch line, and I looked around to see her diving into the arms of a man I only hoped was Rick, her online boyfriend of four months.

Their lips met, and he held her tight to him, gripping her lower back and one ass cheek. For a brief moment, I wondered if he was going to take her down to the floor and have his way with her right there.

From what I could tell, he was a tall man, with an athletic build and a tanned complexion. His hair was slicked back, and it wouldn’t have surprised me if it took him longer to do his hair than it took me to get ready for the day.

Behind whom I assumed to be Rick was vision. He was a tall, broad-shouldered handsome man, with hard blue eyes that contrasted with his dark brown hair. His hair was thick and wavy and stopped right above his shoulders. There was something about his eyes that seemed to penetrate right through me. If I had my camera on hand, I would have to fight myself not to take a shot of him. Of course, that would be risking a first impression of being a complete nutcase and potential stalker.

His lip curled up as if at any moment he would bare fangs. His size intimidated me as he pushed his hands deeper into his pockets, shifting on his feet and looking bored.

His eyes met mine, and his demeanor changed a bit. His face softened, and he looked away, and cleared his throat.

“Sorry, man,” Rick said, finally coming up for air. “Kayla, this is Reed Harrington. He’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember.”

Kayla stumbled a bit but giggled as she held out her hand and gave Reed a warm smile. Reed narrowed his eyes as if trying to determine what was wrong with her. Then his gaze slid in my direction.

“Oh, this is my best friend, Bella. She had to hold my hand on the plane. I’m afraid I’m not a very good flyer.”