“Sure, let's head upstairs,” Spencer laughed.

The three of them walked up the stairs, and I found myself frozen in place for the longest time. I was sure I was just watching somebody else's life playing out before me like a movie. I honestly couldn't quite grasp the fact yet, that I'd be living there.

They were about halfway up the staircase when Maisie turned back and called back to me.

“Avery, what are you waiting for? Come on!”

I chuckled, my temporary paralysis broken, and feeling happier th

an I had in a long time. I joined them, and together we walked upstairs, Maisie taking my hand in hers.

It almost felt like I was part of the family – a feeling that brought a smile to my face.



The girls were tucked away in their new beds, snoring away peacefully. Most everything in the house had already been put away, except for the rest of the things we were waiting for from New York City – our personal belongings mostly.

The dollhouse that had been in the girl's room should be arriving fairly quickly, along with other mementos that could never be replaced. Reminders of and keepsakes from my Bree, the woman of my dreams.

I was settling down for a glass of red wine in the living room when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I assumed it was one of the girls, who not being in their normal room, and not used to having anyone else living with me, might be a little bit scared. But, when I stepped into the hallway, I came face-to-face into Avery. Startled, I jumped a bit and my arm jerked, dumping red wine all over her shirt.

“Oh God, I'm sorry,” I muttered.

I knew better than to try and wipe off the wine – but part of me almost had done so out of pure reflex. Part of me wanted to reach out and touch her, but that part of me was too tipsy to be thinking straight.

“It's alright,” she said.

She laughed, and the sound was rich and beautiful. It took me by surprise how cheerful and sing-songy it was, and it made me smile wide. She was pleasant and cheerful. And her giggle was infectious.

“I thought you were one of the girls,” I stammered, rushing toward the kitchen to grab a towel,. Avery following behind me. “I'm not used to living with another adult. It's been too long.”

“No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have – I don't know – been so quiet?” she shook her head.

I handed her a towel from underneath the sink and she wiped at the spill on her shirt, which sunk deep into the light blue fabric, staining it as red as the carpet in the foyer.

“Let's stop apologizing,” I said. “I'll buy you a new shirt.”

“This old thing?” she chuckled, leaning against the counter. “It's alright. It's a pajama top. I have plenty. Don't even worry about it. Seriously.”

“I'd feel bad if I didn't repay you, in some way, for my clumsiness,” I said.

“Fine. I'll take a glass of whatever you're having, and we can consider that payment enough,” she said.

“Sounds like a fair trade, I guess,” I laughed.

I reached for the bottle of wine I'd opened earlier and refilled my glass as well as poured her one. I handed it off to her, and like a true expert, she sniffed it first.

“Wow, I don't think I've ever had wine this old before,” she said, her eyes wide with surprise and a smile touching her lips.

“It was a gift from the realtor who sold me this place,” I said.

“Ahh, I bet they got one hell of a commission, didn't they? I guess it's the least they could do,” she said.

Her eyes took in the kitchen as she pushed herself away from the counter. She walked around, her hand stroking the granite countertops. Her fingers danced along the smooth surface, and for some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She turned, abruptly, and stared directly at me. Her blue eyes were magnetic, and I couldn't pull my gaze away no matter how hard I tried.

God, she was beautiful. Even standing there in a stained shirt with her tousled red hair spilling all around her shoulders, she was a sight too beautiful for words. Her youthful, sweet face and the freckles that lightly dusted her nose and cheeks made her the epitome of girl next door beauty. She was somehow both innocent and sultry.