“Oh, he did?” Brooke asked. “Well, you can do that if Daniel agrees to be the ring bearer.”

“Yes,” Daniel said.

“Looks like he’s pumped for it,” Owen said.

“And I’m glad you spoke up, best man, because you’ve got some responsibilities yourself,” I said.

“Like the bachelor party! Steve, you gonna be there?” Owen asked.

“Oh yes. I’m not missing this opportunity to take pictures,” Steve said.

“Morgan?” I asked.

“Girl, you don’t even need to say anything. Me and Sarah got you on the bachelorette party, too,” she said.

“Vegas anyone?” Sarah asked.

“Um, I’ve heard about how you do Vegas. I don’t need a female reboot of The Hangover,” I said.

“Fine, fine. We’ll only go for a week instead of two,” Sarah said with a smile.

Brooke’s head was thrown back in laughter as I wrapped my arm around her. I was looking down into the face of the rest of my life. The woman who I hoped would bear me more children. A woman I would support no matter where her writing career took her. A woman I wanted to take vacations with and lay in bed with, laugh with and make memories with. She was intelligent, and vibrant, and beautiful.

And perfect. And best of all, she was mine.

“Are you our Mommy now too?”

The room stopped as Sydney looked up at Brooke. She crouched down and took my daughter in her arms before Daniel ran toward her. She wrapped them up tightly in her arms and kissed the sides of their heads, and I could see she was fighting tears.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m your Mommy now too.”

“Yay, yay, yay! Two mommies!” Sydney said.

“More presents,” Daniel said.

Everyone laughed as Brooke and Sarah rolled their eyes.

“I love you, Mommy Brooke.”

“I love you, Daniel.”

“Me too, Mommy Brooke. I love you too,” Sydney said.

“And I love you. Both of you. All three of you.”

She reached up for my hand as I gazed into her beautiful, loving eyes.

This was our happily ever after.

The End


sp; It’s not over! I love my readers so much that I’ve included a brand new, never before published steamy romance: Filthy Daddy

Check it out on the next page…

A single dad’s life isn’t easy.