The last seven months had been a bumpy road, but things were finally leveling out. It turned out the source of most of Sarah’s anger was that her boyfriend didn’t like the fact that she wanted to be in the lives of her kids. And after a few sessions with her therapist and a little more toggling of her medication, she kicked him to the curb and found herself a good man, one who embraced how blended our family had become and enjoyed spending time with Daniel and Sydney. The kids seemed to like him well enough and with Sarah’s newfound attitude on being present in her children’s lives, I’d caved and slowly let her back in.

Which evolved to Sarah having the kids two weekends a month and every minor holiday.

It wasn’t perfect, but we were getting there. And as Owen carved the turkey and dished out food, everyone was all smiles. Brooke and Sarah were talking about school days and Owen was talking lowly to Morgan. Steve struck up a conversation about the small business he was starting up in town and I happily gave him some pointers on how to go about establishing connections in the L.A. community.

But there was still one hurdle to clear before I could declare Thanksgiving a success.

Owen eyed me carefully and I nodded in his direction. He got up from his chair and retrieved the kids from the other room. They smiled and bounded toward Brooke, climbing up onto her lap, and interrupting the conversation she had going with Sarah.

Then I drew in a deep breath as I stuck my hand into my pocket.

“Miss Brooke?” Sydney asked.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Could I call you Mommy Brooke?”

Brooke’s lips puckered, and I could tell Sarah was trying to bury her smile.

“I don’t know if your mother would appreciate that,” Brooke said.

She responded exactly how I thought she would.

“Is it okay, Mammy?” Daniel asked Sarah.

Brooke’s eyes panned over to Sarah and she offered Brooke a genuine smile. She had learned to like Brooke quite a bit and instead of being jealous of her connection to the kids, she was grateful for it.

“Okay by me,” Sarah said, leaving Brooke sitting there with a stunned look on her face.

Everyone at the table started laughing as I pulled the ring box out of my pocket. I opened it up just as Brooke turned her head back toward me, then her eyes fell to the huge diamond ring I had for her. Her jaw dropped, and I slid from my chair, getting down on one knee as Sarah took the kids from her arms.

“Kevin,” she said breathlessly.

“I have a question I’ve been wanting to ask you,” I said.

“What are you doing?” she asked with a nervous giggle.

“Brooke, I love you. I loved you when we first met, but I wasn't the man you needed then. And in some ways, I’m grateful for that. Because it led me down a path to the family I have now. It’s big and it’s blended and, well, boisterous, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. And it’s all because of you.”

“No, it’s not,” she said. “It’s because of you.”

“You were the one who saved Sydney. You were the one who lit up my world again. You were the one who mediated between Sarah and I on how to go about things with the kids, and you were the one who watched Steve like a hawk the first few times he was over here with them. You are the glue that keeps us all together, the oil that keeps this machine running without a hitch. I have all of this now because of you, and I can’t see it working without you. I can’t see my life working without you, Brooke.”

Tears rushed to her eyes as I plucked the ring from the box.

“We celebrated when we worked out a plan for Sarah and the kids. We celebrated when you finished your book. We celebrated when your book was picked up by the publishing company, and we celebrated when the editing was finalized. Now, I want to celebrate us. I want to celebrate the life we will have together. I love you, Brooke. And I want you to be my wife. Will you give me that honor? Will you marry me?”

Her body fell into mine and I caught her in my grasp. She was kissing me, covering my cheek and neck in kisses as her arms wrapped around my body. I stood with her in my arms and helped her onto her feet, feeling her body shaking with tears.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I’ll marry you, Kevin.”

Everyone whooped and hollered as I slid the ring onto her finger. I tilted her face up and brought her lips to mine, feeling her melt into me. For the rest of my life, I’d feel that. The way she trusted me innately and knew I was strong enough to carry her. I lifted her up off her feet and spun her around, and I could hear the kids cheering wildly for us.

“Can I be the flowers girl?” Sydney asked.

Brooke giggled as I set her back down.

“Daddy said I can throw flowers on the floor.”