Then the two of us sank to the couch as he pulled a blanket over our bodies. Still connected at the hips and still shaking with our ecstasy, I curled into his strength, taking in the way my curves felt against the hardness of his body.

Then the two of us fell asleep with the promise of waking up to the other for as long as we both should live.




“I just want to take a quick moment and say that you look gorgeous tonight, Morgan.”

“Owen,” I said. “I’m sure she already knows.”

“And what’s wrong with telling her again?” he asked.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with him telling me again?” Morgan asked.

Brooke fell apart in a fit of giggles.

“But I also wanted to say that I’m glad we’re all here,” Owen said. “It took a few months to settle everyone’s differences, but I think things are working out for the best. Kevin. Brooke. I’m happy for you two. And it’s about time she moved in because she was practically here all the time anyway.”

“Like you are,” I said with a grin.

“And to Sarah and her new boyfriend, Steve. I’m so glad you guys are here. I know it’s been rough trying to get everything settled with the kids, but it seems like everyone is working together in the best interest of my godson and goddaughter,” Owen said.

“Still long-winded I see, Owen,” Sarah said with a smile.

“He’s just trying to make a nice speech,” Steve said, as he kissed the side of her head. “You’ll get

your chance.”

“To blended families and big family dinners. May we always take the time to have them,” Owen said.

“Hear, hear!” everyone exclaimed.

“I’d also like to take a second to say something,” Sarah said.

“Then, can we eat?” Sydney asked.

“Of course we can,” she said with a giggle. “Let Mommy say something really quickly.”

“Can I say something, too?” Daniel said.

“How about you go first?” Sarah asked.

“I’m happy Mommy’s here. And Miss Brooke. I like it like this.”

“I’m glad I’m here too, buddy,” Brooke said with a smile.

“I couldn't have said it better myself,” Sarah said, as she held up her glass.

“Hear, hear!” we all said.

“Now, who the hell’s cutting this turkey?” Owen asked.

“Owen, watch your mouth around the kids,” Sarah said.

I looked over at her and grinned as she nestled into the crook of Steven’s arm.