Page 63 of Top Dog

“I can only think of a few things. One thing that plays in your favor is the ring not being cataloged.”

“My source said the detective claims he found it on the dock,” I said.

“But you know that didn’t happen. That break-in to get your father’s ring was days after that happened, right?”


“The detective’s simply covering his ass. If you can find a way to get him to admit that nobody officially cataloged the ring at the scene of the crime, you’ve got reasonable doubt right there. Do you and your father share the same ring size?”

“I have no fucking clue.”

“If you don’t, that plays in your favor as well. The lack of your DNA on the ring will also play in your favor since you’ve never worn the damn thing and they’re probably claiming it’s yours.”

“They are.”

“So you’ve got a few things in play, but your biggest bet is to prove that someone planted the ring. Prove that it was stolen from your property and planted by that cop. Or anyone, for that matter.”

“Right. That’s all I have to do,” I said sarcastically.

“This is life or death, Romeo. This is our family versus theirs, and the one you’ve made is caught in the middle of a war neither of them sees. It’s not going to be easy. It never is.”

“This was why you left, wasn’t it?” I asked.

Vincent’s face grew somber, and I leaned against the wall.

“It is,” he said.

“I’m sorry I dropped this on your front porch.”

“Don’t be. I advised your father on many things, but he never listened much. It’s an honor to advise you and see how you’ve improved upon your father’s standards.?


“All I want is for the business to be legitimate.”

“And all Stefano wants is complete and total control.”

“I have to stop this. I have to find a way to prove that ring was planted,” I said.

“Then why the hell are you still standing here?” he asked. “Go. Save the world. Do what your father wanted to do during the last years of his life. Make peace, Romeo.”

“You stay safe. You’re the only person I trust right now.”

“Trust no one, Romeo. Not even me. Be wary of everyone you encounter. It’s the only way you will make it out of this alive.”

I stared into the eyes of a man ruined by this life, and I made a promise right then and there. I would do whatever it took and foil whatever plan Stefano had up his sleeve to make this right. This business—this feud—had cost too many people too much. It had to stop, and it stopped with me.

With Julia.

With Matteo.

“I’ll keep in touch,” I said.

“Stay safe, Romeo.”

Then I left through Vincent’s back door and made my way home.

It was time for me to make my own plans.