Page 248 of Top Dog

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I leaned over to glance at my phone. Dread curled in my stomach when I recognized my Dad’s office number calling. Libby glanced down at it as well before rising from the bed with a grimace.

“I’ll let you deal with that,” she said. “I’m going to take a shower. I’ll meet you down on the balcony for some lunch.”

“I love how you disappear when the going gets tough,” I yelled out before reaching for the phone. Did Harley say something about last night? My thumb hovered over the answer button. If my Dad heard about it, he’d have Harley drag me by the hair to the airport to return home. I sucked in a deep breath before answering. “Hello?”

“I’m surprised you answered,” my Dad said. “It’s 8:00 am here, and I know how much of a morning person you are.”

I let out a pent up breath I didn’t realize I was holding. My Dad was never the type of person for idle chit chat before confronting someone with evidence and facts.

“Getting used to the time change,” I said. “What’s up?”

“I wanted to see how your trip is going.”

“Why don’t you ask your bodyguard?” I asked.

“I did,” he replied, clearly confused. “I talked to him this morning. He said that everything is going fine.”

“Oh.” He didn’t tell my Dad what had happened the previous night. I felt dizzy with relief that I sank back into the pillows. “Everything is fine, Dad. We’ve just been mostly sightseeing. It’s beautiful here.”

“I’m glad. I think I might take your Mom there someday for a vacation when I retire.”

“You should do it sooner than later.”

Voices mumbled in the background. I waited patiently for my Dad to return to the phone after speaking with whomever.

“I have to get going,” he said, curtly. “I was just handed a case by the FBI. Please be careful, Abigail. I already had a talk with Harley this morning.”


He hung up before I could finish asking the question. I tossed my phone onto the bed with a sigh before finding a pair of sandals to wear. I knocked on the bathroom door before opening it to tell Libby, “I’m going down for lunch. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” she called out. “Be there shortly.”

I moved out into the hallway to find Harley already standing there. He looked up from his phone the second I opened the door. Seeing him after what had happened the night before sent an odd array of emotions through me. I didn’t know what to think, and the blank expression on his handsome face was yielding little as to what he was thinking.

“Hey,” I said, running a hand through my damp hair from showering earlier. “I didn’t think you’d be out here already.”

“I have to be,” Harley said. “It’s my job. Remember?”

The night before meant nothing to him. I was delusional in thinking he might have felt something other than the need to protect me - thanks to my

Dad’s money.

“Right.” I twisted my hands around each other nervously while Harley watched me with that infuriatingly blank look. “Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to yell at you or-” I trailed off as my thoughts turned to me basically throwing myself onto him the night before. The center of my cheeks burned hotly with embarrassment.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “You were drunk.”

“I know, but still. I’m sorry for what happened.”

He shifted on his feet with a sigh. “Okay, let’s just forget it. I’m good, so let’s just move on about our day and leave the past where it belongs. What is on your agenda today?”

“Nothing,” I said, shrugging. “I just want to hang around today despite what Libby wants. Maybe some lunch on the balcony?”

Harley nodded. Silent as a shadow, he followed me all the way down to the balcony on the second floor. He moved to stand behind me, but I reached out to grasp his large hand in mine. Little shocks of electric current ran up my arms at the touch. I let go when Harley turned to give me an intense look that I couldn’t interpret.

“Please stay,” I said. “Sit down to eat me with me.”