Page 24 of Top Dog

“More than I care to admit. We talk. A lot.”

“What about?” I asked.

“The good times. When we were grunts in this business doing our own father’s biddings. We talk about your mother. He talks about you.”

“Stop it,” I said breathlessly. “I can’t—I can’t listen to that right now.”

“I know. But you know he loves you and that he’s never really gone. Not when he’s in here.”

I watched Stefano pat his chest as a tear escaped down my cheek.

“Do you think Dad would’ve wanted the peace you seek?” I asked.

I watched Stefano long and hard before I slid his omelet onto a plate.

“I think seeing you the way you were helped him to come to terms with it. Your father was a different kind of beast. Raised in an old era but spent his remaining years blossoming into a new one. I think he understood peace between the two families was necessary.”

“So all of this I’m doing—it would make him proud?” I asked.

“So long as you do what makes you happy and what’s good for his grandson? He could never not be proud.”

I held up the omelet underneath my uncle’s nose, and he took it from my hands.

“Speaking of, how did things with Romeo go yesterday?”

“Keep your voice down,” I said as I glanced over at my son.

“I know. And I am. But we haven’t gotten a chance to talk about it. You and Matteo were upstairs most of last night.”

“We were fixing those blocks my father got him,” I said. “It took us a lot longer than I thought it would.”

“Fuck, he’s just like your dad. My brother loved playing with things like that. Lincoln Logs and Legos and building blocks. Anything that made him feel like he was creating something.”

“Sounds like him,” I said with a smile.

“So, how did it go? Did you apologize to the man?” he asked.

“I did. I didn’t apologize for what I said, but for the tone I said it in.”

“Why not for what you said? The man has a right to see his son.”

“In my time, maybe. When I met with Romeo the first time, he already knew I had a son. He already knew his name, Uncle.”

“What?” he asked, seemingly surprised.

“Yeah. Which meant he was using his resources to check up on me. But he didn’t come knock on Dad’s door? If he was so intent on being a part of his son’s life, why didn’t he show up then?”

“Maybe he did and your father sent him away,” Stefano reasoned.

“Then he should have fought harder,” I said. “Knowing he had a son and not trying to see him until I show up at a meeting you arranged just feels shady to me. Like he views Matteo as a tool to get what he wants and nothing more.”

My uncle chewed thoughtfully. “That is very strange. I had no idea that he knew about the boy. And you’re right, it does seem suspect that he hasn’t tried to be a part of his life until now.” “Then I can see why you’re making the choice you are. Even for a Martine, that’s a little shady.”

“A little? I was eighteen at the time, Uncle. Eighteen.”

I watched him angrily chew his food as he shook his head.

“I still think what you’re doing is going to be good for these two families, but I now understand why you don’t want Matteo caught up in the mix. Why didn’t you tell me this before?”