Page 160 of Top Dog

“Hey, Jack. I can’t talk specifics, but I’m pretty sure I know who started the fire at the warehouse,” I said.

“You do?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m working on getting the proof right now. I’ve got my PI and my lawyer on it, as well as the arson investigator. Hopefully we can get it wrapped up sooner than later.”

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the custody battle, would it?” Jack asked, his voice dropping an octave like it always did when he was pissed.

“Pretty sure it does,” I said. “Listen, you just take care of filling out that insurance paperwork.”

“I’m on the phone with them now,” he said.

“Good. Let me know how things go .”

“Once they’re writing the check, I’ll let you know. And whatever the fuck’s going on, Brian, keep yourself safe.”

“Always,” I said. “That shit’s a given.”



“Come get me, Mommy!”

My ears perked up at the name as I turned around and faced Lanie.

“What did you call me?” I asked.

Her eyes grew big as she cowered against the couch.

“Sorry,” she said as she bent her head toward the floor.

I walked over to the little girl and scooped her up into my arms. I held her close as she sniffled into my shirt, wiping her nose against the fabric of it. I felt my heart warm as that name echoed off the corners of my mind.


Lanie had just called me “mommy.”

“Sorry,” she said.

“Don’t be sorry for something like that, okay?” I asked.

“Can we play tag?”

“Of course, we can. You want me to be ‘it’ first?” I asked.


I dropped Lanie to her feet, and she took off. I ran down the hallway, wiggling my fingers at her as she squealed. She dashed into her room and jumped onto her bed. Then she hopped away from me when I lunged at her. We ran around the house, panting and laughing, her joyful sounds filling the cabin.

“You can’t get me, Mommy!” she said.

My heart swelled with pride at the name. I watched as Lanie’s face lit up with joy and her cheeks flushed with effort. I watched her brown hair flutter around her shoulders as her eyes sparkled with happiness. Everything about this little girl was beautiful, and she had worked her way into my heart. I loved her. She was the most incredible child I had ever met. Stronger than she could comprehend without even understanding why.

“I’m gonna get you!” I said.

I danced with her around the living room before I scooped her up into my arms. We fell onto the couch while I tickled her, laughter pouring from her lips. She squealed and shrieked, kicking her legs as my fingertips danced along her stomach.

“That tickles! That tickles!”