“Yes, you were,” I said, then turned on my heel and let myself out.
“It seems as if you might have the fortitude to run this business after all.”
“Your statement is appreciated. Let me know when you have the information I seek.”
Then I opened the door and showed myself the way out.
“That was a quick turnaround,” I said. “Thank you for meeting me.”
“No problem. Also, I have a bit of interesting information for you,” Langley said.
“Really? Do tell,” I prodded. “Apparently, Officer Johnson is on half-time until he recuperates from a car accident.”
“A car accident.”
“Yep. Facial contusions and fractured cheekbones.”
“Uh-huh,” I said flatly.
“Question. Your home invasion. Did you—”
“Beat anyone’s face in? Yes, I did,” I said.
“Ah. Well. Then you’ll enjoy where this is going. The footage I reviewed is conclusive. There’s clear footage of him slipping something into an evidence box, and a few questions to the right people uncovered that the ring wasn’t processed at the scene of the crime. Coupled with the negative tests that keep coming back from the ring itself, and it’s looking pretty grim for the detective’s case.”
“I owe you a great debt,” I said.
“No. I owed you one, and now we’re even. I know what people think about your family around here, but I know you. I know you’ll steer your family onto the right track.”
“I appreciate it.”
“But, you should come in with me and meet with the investigators on the case. It’ll be better to get ahead of everything before they start issuing warrants to try and clean up this insane mess Johnson has created,” he said.
“I’ll do you one better. I’ll come without lawyers.”
“That’ll be a good show of faith, but you know they’ll come at you hard without one.”
“That ring was a plant. They have nothing,” I said. “Lead the way.”
I slipped into my car and followed Langley back to the police precinct. I knew I was taking a massive chance that had the potential to backfire. I was either walking out of the place a free man or being hauled off to a holding cell. But since there was footage of Johnson planting that ring into the evidence locker, I had a solid foundation to stand on.
And I wanted to look that asshole in the eye.
I got out of my car and waited until Langley was in the building. I knew there was a possibility he would be found guilty by mere association, despite our history together. I waited a few minutes then got out of the car, and police immediately got on their phones. No doubt messaging Johnson and telling him who was voluntarily walking into the precinct.
I knew my presence would get his attention.
I walked inside and was escorted by four armed officers into an interrogation room. I looked back and saw Langley, who thumbed behind him. I was nervous. I mean, after all, I was actually guilty of the crime. I sat down in the cold metal chair and planted my arms on the table.
What seemed like hours later, the door flew open and three investigators came in. The detective from the crime scene, someone I didn’t recognize, and Johnson.
And his face was battered.
“Do you know what this is?” the detective asked.