Page 64 of Top Dog



I sat there with my phone in my hands outside of a park on the outskirts of the city. I told Enrico and my uncle that Matteo was missing his friends and that I wanted to find a place for him to be with kids his age. Enrico didn’t like the fact that I didn’t let him tag along, but my uncle seemed elated at the situation. He said it “meant we were sticking around” and that it would be a “good meeting spot” for Romeo and me.

I let him believe what he wanted.

I sat on a bench and watched for over an hour. I wanted to see if anyone would poke their head in to look at my son or not. If Enrico would come by or if Stefano would somehow track us down. Matteo was already running around with another little boy, and they were building blocks together.

It made me smile.

I looked down at my phone, watching as my finger ran across Romeo’s number. I was desperate. Tears welled in my eyes. My head was telling me to grab my son and run for the hills. I had a college degree. I could find a job and a way to support us. I could get us away from all of this forever.

But my heart ached for Romeo.

I pressed his number and held the phone to my ear as I wiped away my tears. I didn’t want him to be overly alarmed.


“Hey there.”

My voice cracked, and I winced.

“What's wrong? Where are you?” he asked, suddenly on high alert.

“I was wondering if we could talk?” I asked.

“Where are you? I’ll come get you. Is Matteo okay?”

“He’s fine. He’s playing with a new friend.”

“Tell me where you are, Julia.”

I sighed and closed my eyes as I put my head in my hands.

“I’m at Benton Park the outskirts of town..”

“I can come to you, or you can come here. My mother and Antony are both out, so if you want to speak in private, then you’re more than welcome here.”

“I think speaking in private might be for the best. I’ll have someone meet me to look after Matteo, and I’ll be over.”

“I’m unlocking the door for you. Come straight upstairs. We can talk in my room,” he said.

“I’ll see you soon.”

I called an old friend from college who lived in the area. She had a little girl around Matteo’s age and they had had a couple of play dates over the years. Shelley agreed to take Matteo for a couple of hours so that I could take care of what I needed to. I dropped him off at her house and headed to Romeo’s.

I drove across town and kept eyes on all my mirrors. I was paranoid, and rightfully so. The more I thought about what Romeo said, the more it made sense. My uncle’s reaction, Romeo’s insistence. I still didn’t want to believe that my uncle was responsible for my father’s death, but I did think there was a possibility he was trying to capitalize on an opportunity presented to him.

Stefano was nothing if not an opportunist.

I pulled into the driveway of Romeo’s home. The garage door was open, and there was an empty parking space. I took the hint and pulled in, then the door automatically began closing behind me. I quickly scrambled out of the car and walked through the covered walkway that connected the four-car garage to the main house.

And I ran straight for Romeo’s room.

I threw his door open and ran straight into his arms. He held them out wide for me and encased me in the warmth I’d always associated with him. I was trembling. Tears were pouring over my cheeks. I was petrified for my safety and the safety of our son, and I had nowhere else to go and no one else to turn to.

“Ssshhh,” he said. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”