Page 312 of Top Dog

some of these?”

“I keep hers mixed with the others, all but for this one.” I walked to the simple still-life painting my mother had done of a fruit basket when I was a child, and she walked across the room to join me. “It’s not her best, but I remember her painting this one. I was one of her last. We’d gone to the market down the street from our home where she’d chosen the fruits by their colors.” I pointed to the one, empty banana peel next to the bowl. “I ate that on the way home.”

She met my eyes with a smile. “That’s a sweet memory. And she was really good. Hers is better than most of these. The colors are so much more vibrant, yet the strokes, it gives it that classic look. Like it was painted a century ago.”

She stared closely at the painted as if taking in every stroke. “Show me more of her work.”

“How about you see if you can find them. Stand here and see if you can point them out.” I pointed to a place in the middle of the room, and she looked at the paintings with a finger curled to her lips.

Then suddenly, she took off toward one. “That one, there. Is that you?”

“No, it’s actually my father when he was a boy. She painted it from a photograph. She wasn’t happy with the outcome, so she rarely painted portraits.”

“She should have done more. She was good at them.”

“I agree. And you have a good eye.” I waited as she stepped back and chose another painting, and we spent another few hours lounging around the room and playing the game. And all I could think about was how special she was.

Damnit Chance, what are you doing?


I woke to him stirring beside me. It had been two days since I’d lost my virginity and other than holding my hand and stealing a few kisses as we lounged in the gallery, Chance had not tried to take advantage of our sexual arrangement. I assumed that maybe I hadn’t been very good, or that perhaps he was giving me time to heal. I was sore from his intrusion, and while I was thankful for the break, I wondered if it would only hurt again and again each time.

I also couldn’t help but wonder if he’d continue to be gentle, which was nice, but some of my urges had me wishing that he’d be a little more aggressive. I could take it, but I was sure if I suggested, he’d be upset. He’d been very particular that things be in his time and his way, and I had a feeling he’d already had to change his rules because of my virginity.

I got up and headed to the shower, hoping to let the steam wake me up, but then he appeared in the doorway on the other side of the frosted glass. Though his image was distorted, I could tell what he was doing as he took off his shorts and approached. He opened the door and stepped inside.

The shower was big enough for at least four people, and I wondered if he’d ever filled it to capacity. He seemed like the kind of man who could satisfy multiple women, and had a time or two.

I knew better than to protest, and as my eyes trailed up and down his body, I didn’t mind. He was a work of art, and after seeing so many of the paintings in the gallery, the nudes of angels, and the loin-clothed warriors, he had them all beat.

“I hope you don’t mind me joining you.” He stepped up behind me, and his cock brushed against my lower back.

“Of course not.”

“I’ve given you a couple of days, but I’m afraid I can’t wait much longer to have you again, Carrie.” He brought his arms around my waist and pulled me closer and bent his knees so that his cock slipped between my legs and he ground his hips against me. “I’ll be gentle,” he whispered.

I let my head fall to the side as his mouth pressed against my neck and walked us forward to the wall, where I put my hands up to steady myself. “I don’t think I want you to be too gentle.”

He stopped, his body seeming to tighten behind me. “If you’re absolutely sure I don’t have to be.”

“I’m sure.” I knew what I was asking and the consequences, but I wanted to be taken harder. I wanted to experience all I could with him during my time. “I’m sorry about the other day. I want to be better for you.”

“You were amazing the other day.” He kissed my neck and trailed his mouth down my back and knelt down, parting my ass cheeks. Suddenly his tongue darted, and he licked my little star, causing me to tighten.

“I’m not ready for that.” I pulled away, and he turned me around and licked my slit.

“I know. But you will be before you leave, so I like to train it a bit. You’ll appreciate it later, trust me.” He lapped at my front and the little bare cleft between my legs, and then he parted my folds and exposed my clit. His mouth closed on me, and he nibbled and sucked, causing me to grip his hair and hold him on me as I clenched. A wave of ecstasy washed over me, and he looked up into my eyes as he slipped two thick fingers inside me. “Mm. You’re already so wet; I think you’re ready.”

My need was so great that I pulled him up and gripped his waist, hitching my leg up around him. I wanted him inside me, filling me up and easing the growing tingle between my legs.

He responded to my actions with his own, and he placed his hand on my hip and then aimed his cock for my entrance. “I’m going to put you on the wall and the fuck you hard. Do you want that, angel?”

“Yes, please.” My feet left the floor, and suddenly my back was against the wall, and my legs were wrapped around his hips clenching tight to keep from falling even though he had me safe in his arms.

In another moment, he pressed inside me, finding a bit of resistance because his cock was so wide inside my tight walls. But after a moment I relaxed and settled around him as he began to fuck me. “You feel so fucking good on my cock, angel. How do you feel?”

“It’s so good; I want it harder.” I closed my eyes and focused on where he was and how it felt, the intensity increasing as he obliged and rocked his hips in a faster rhythm.